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Behavioural Ecology in natural and man-made environments

academic year

Course teacher(s)

Claire DETRAIN (Coordinator)

ECTS credits


Language(s) of instruction


Course content

Historical background and main trends in Behavioural Ecology.

Foraging and habitat selection.

Behavioural strategies of anti-predation.

Sensory channels, perception and information management.

Learning processes and their applications.

Social structure and hierarchy.

Domestication and animal welfare.

Objectives (and/or specific learning outcomes)

1°)To get an overwiew of main concepts and current trends in behavioural ecology.

(2) To understand the ultimate and proximate causes driving the behaviour of animal species in their natural environment

(3) To detail the different types of learning, their characteristics as well as their applications to the management of wild and domestic species

(4) To familiarize students with the behavior and the specificities of domestic animals

(5°) to draw attention to  man-animal relationships, to animal welfare and to the use of associated scientific tools.

As regards the learning outcomes, the student will be able to discuss the mechanisms and constraints that impact the behavioral strategies of animals in natural and domestic populations and to provide solutions for their management.

Prerequisites and Corequisites

Required and Corequired knowledge and skills

Knowledge and skills expected from a student possessing a Bachelor degree in Biology or Bioengineering

Teaching methods and learning activities

Lecture in-person
Training exercices

References, bibliography, and recommended reading

Visual Support. with powerpoint slides

Lecture notes and scientific papers

References to texbooks will be given during the lecture

Other information


Pr Claire Detrain Batiment NO niveau 5 local 213 Campus de la Plaine




Method(s) of evaluation

  • Oral examination
  • Other

Oral examination


Oral exam with a written preparation of two main questions based 1°) on a slide and 2°) on a scientific topic covered during the lectures. Starting from the two main questions, the examination will cover other parts of the course to assess the ability of the student to provide an integrated overview of the course

Mark calculation method (including weighting of intermediary marks)

100% oral exam

Language(s) of evaluation

  • english
  • (if applicable french )


Programmes proposing this course at the faculty of Sciences

MA-BIORMaster in Biology of Organisms and Ecology - finalité Research/bloc 2
5 credits [lecture: 36h, tutorial classes: 12h] - first term
MA-BIORMaster in Biology of Organisms and Ecology - finalité Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree in Tropical Biodiversity and Ecosystems - TROPIMUNDO/bloc 1
5 credits [lecture: 36h, tutorial classes: 12h] - first term
MA-IRBAMaster in Agricultural Bioengineering - finalité Professional/bloc 2
5 credits [lecture: 36h, tutorial classes: 12h] - first term

Programmes proposing this course at the Brussels School of Engineering

MA-IRBAMaster in Agricultural Bioengineering - finalité Professional/bloc 2
5 credits [lecture: 36h, tutorial classes: 12h] - first term