Course teacher(s)
Farid DAHDOUH-GUEBAS (Coordinator)ECTS credits
See programme details
Language(s) of instruction
Course content
The course structure follows a zoom from theoretical introduction (concepts, analytical tools) towards a global overview of SES and finally towards the mangrove forest as a model SES.
Part A: Biocomplexity and Systems Ecology
Understanding change and ecosystem management:
definitions linked to SES, systems ecology and adaptive cycles;
ecosystem services.
Social-ecological change, governance and stewardship:
Ecological resilience and social-ecological resilience;
Social-ecological governance and transformations in ecosystem stewardship;
Adaptive management;
Sustaining, renewing and adapting cultural connections
Objectives (and/or specific learning outcomes)
1. To provide an overview of complexity in biology from the level of organisms and their constituents to large-scale social-ecological systems (SES);
2. To understand diversity, redundance, stability, hysteresis and resilience in a functional ecological context;
3. To understand the ecological and social-ecological functioning of a global series of communities and ecosystems;
4. To understand the mangrove ecosystems as a model SES, incl. its constituents, ecology, natural and anthropogenically-induced dynamics, restoration, management and governance incl. scientific methods to monitor these.
Upon completion of the course a student must be able
i. to situate organisms into their wider functional framework (community/ecosystem/Earth system);
ii. be able to critically assess their resilience in view of natural or anthropogenic change;
iii. to track down the ecological consequences on different sublevels (environment, fauna and flora) of anthropogenically induced changes on a focus SES;
iv. be able to situate environmental chalenges in a holistic context (relationship with socio-economical factors, governance).
Teaching methods and learning activities
The course structure follows a zoom from theoretical introduction (concepts, analytical tools) towards a global overview of SES and finally towards the mangrove forest as a model SES.
Part A: Biocomplexity and Systems Ecology
Understanding change and ecosystem management
Social-ecological change, governance and stewardship
Ecological and socio-ecological individual-based models
Complexity at several levels in biology and ecology
Mathematical basis for understanding complexity and change
Dryland systems
Forest systems
Freshwater systems
Oceans and estuarine systems
Part B: Integrated Coastal Zone Management
The mangrove forest as a SES , describing constituents and relationships), the links with man and integrated research.
Part B I – Mangrove forests and adjacent systems and their biocomplexity: distribution of mangrove forests and adjacent systems;faunal and floral biodiversity, incl. morphological, physiological and ethological adaptations to tropical environments and to intertidal and marine life;comparison of ecosystem function between mangrove forestsand adjacent systems;ecological mutual benefits between the tropical (coastal) ecosystems;food webs and trophic relationships.
Part B II – Ethnobiology/Socio-ecology and anthropogenical impacts on SES: spatial structures and natural dynamics; social, economical and cultural value and mangrove SES; anthropogenically induced threats on one or more ecosystems and the consequences for the other ecosystems; local vs. global patterns of change.
Part B III – Scientific research tools and approaches to study SES: monitoring, modelling and experiments (incl. management, restoration and conservation);the use of remote sensing and geographic information systems;combinatory and multivariate analyses;essentials of sustainable tropical habitat management: case-studies and management guidelines with respect to tropical ecosystems
References, bibliography, and recommended reading
Berkes, F., J. Colding & C. Folke, 2003. Navigating Social-Ecological Systems. Building resilience for complexity and change. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK. 393 pp.
Carson, W. & S. Schnitzer, 2008. Tropical Forest Community Ecology. Wiley Blackwell, Oxford, U.K. 517 pp.
- Chapin III, S.F., G.P. Kofinas, C. Folke & M.C. Chapin, 2009. Principles of Ecosystem Stewardship: Resilience-Based Natural Resource Management in a Changing World. Springer Science, Dordrecht, The Netherlands. 402 pp.
Gunderson, L.H. & L. Pritchard Jr., 2002. Resilience and the Behavior of Large-Scale Systems. Island Press, Washington D.C., US. 287 pp.
Gunderson, L.H., C.R. Allen & C.S. Holling, 2009. Foundations of Ecological Resilience. Island Press, Washington D.C., US. 496 pp.
Hogarth, P., 2007. The Biology of Mangroves and Seagrasses. Oxford University Press Inc., Oxford, UK. 273 pp.
Waycott, M., K. McMahon, J. Mellors, A. Calladine & D. Kleine, 2004. A guide to Tropical Seagrasses of the Indo-West Pacific. James Cook University, Townsville, Australia. 72 pp.
and current international research publications
Course notes
- Université virtuelle
Contribution to the teaching profile
Human-environment interactions
Other information
Additional information
Due to the Covid-19 pandemic the lectures will be live broadcasted online or recorded online. The role play will be either live (in person) or through an interactive videoconferencing tool online (e.g. MS Teams).
Certains lectures, exercises, practicals or excursions jointly organised with institutions external to ULB might exceptionnally be organised during weekend or on a public holiday.
Prof. Dr. Farid DAHDOUH-GUEBAS on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn
Systems Ecology and Resource Management Research Unit
Unité de Recherche Écologie des Systèmes et Gestion des Ressources
Département de Biologie des Organismes
Faculté des Sciences
Université Libre de Bruxelles - ULB
Campus de la Plaine, Bureau O3.204
Avenue F.D. Roosevelt 50, CPi 264/1, B-1050 Bruxelles, Belgium.
Tel. ++ 32 2 6502137
E-mail :
Plaine, Outside campus ULB
Method(s) of evaluation
- Other
Oral and/or written assessment: 60% (theory, paper discussion, model discussion)
Group projects and participation: 40%
Practical exercises or excursions are assessed through continuous evaluation.
N.B. Excursions might be organised during buffer weeks (semaines tampon), holiday periods or public holidays. Students are requested to contact the professor at the onset of the semester to know the dates of the excursion.
Mark calculation method (including weighting of intermediary marks)
Oral and/or written assessment: 60% (theory, paper discussion, model discussion)
Group projects and participation: 40%
Practical exercises or excursions are assessed through continuous evaluation.
Language(s) of evaluation
- english