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Biologie moléculaire de la cellule, Biologe cellulaire 1

academic year

Course teacher(s)

Xavier BISTEAU (Coordinator)

ECTS credits


Language(s) of instruction


Course content

  1. The cell, from prokaryote to eukaryote, and model organisms
  2. The DNA, composition and organization.
  3. Genomes and the genome structure
  4. The DNA Replication
  5. The DNA repair
  6. The rranscription
  7. RNAs
  8. RNA maturation
  9. The regulation of gene expression
  10. The translation
  11. Biological membranes
  12. The nucleus and endomembrane systems
  13. The cytoskeleton, Microtubules, Microfilamenste and intermediate filaments.
  14. Junctions and contacts between cells and the cellular environment
  15. Cell division, mitosis and meiosis.
  16. Mitochondria
  17. Protein sorting and addressing
  18. Introduction to molecular and cell biology techniques and their application

Objectives (and/or specific learning outcomes)

  • Describe and explain the structural and functional organization of the animal cell (organelles, cell membranes, cytoskeleton)
  • Describe and explain cellular interactions and the role of the extracellular matrix
  • Describe and explain the mechanism of cell division
  • Describe and explain the mechanism of movement of a eukaryotic cell
  • Describe and explain the flow of genetic information in the cell (DNA - RNA - proteins)
  • Describe and explain the regulation of gene expression (RNA maturation, splicing, RNA editing, small RNA, methylation...)
  • Understand, describe and explain the consequences of gene deregulation or deregulation of cellular mechanisms: Concrete examples of pathologies
  • List and describe the functions of the main classes of proteins and molecules involved in the control of different biological processes and their deregulations.
  • Describe and explain the techniques for studying a cell and propose their use to study/observe a cellular mechanism.

Prerequisites and Corequisites

Required and corequired courses

Courses requiring this course

Teaching methods and learning activities

Ex-cathedra course in person. This theoretical course will be enhanced by concrete examples of pathologies and research related to biomedical training. Possibility of discussions of scientific articles and seminars with expert speakers. Use of Wooclap interactive module.

References, bibliography, and recommended reading

  1. Molecular Cell Biology (9th edition, 2021) Lodish, et al. Disponible également en version française : Biologie moléculaire de la cellule.
  2. Molecular biology of the cell (6th edition, 2017) Alberts et al. Disponible également en version française Biologie moléculaire de la cellule (6ème édition)

Course notes

  • Université virtuelle

Contribution to the teaching profile

  • Acquire and master basic scientific knowledge related to the biomedical field at the cellular and molecular levels
  • Opportunity to develop scientific curiosity as well as the rigor and analytical method necessary in the biomedical field
  • Master the learning of physiological reasoning
  • Know how to present examinations and reports
  • Become familiar with the know-how, observation and manipulation that are the basis of our scientific training
  • Learn the vocabulary, understand the roles, impacts and use of biological concepts/elements:
    • Describe the structure of the main organelles of a eukaryotic cell
    • Describe the different functions of these organelles
    • Name the classes of genes and proteins involved in these functions and their respective roles
    • Establish the functional link between certain genetic alterations, the cellular and molecular mechanisms involved and the pathological consequences for the organism

Other information


Xavier Bisteau, IRIBHM, ULB campus Erasme, 808 route de Lennik, 1070 Bruxelles. E-mail : xavier.bisteau@ulb.be




Method(s) of evaluation

  • Oral examination

Oral examination

  • Open question with long development

Mark calculation method (including weighting of intermediary marks)

A single, global rating

Language(s) of evaluation

  • french
