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Génétique humaine, Biologie cellulaire II
Course teacher(s)
Xavier BISTEAU (Coordinator) and Isabelle VandernootECTS credits
Language(s) of instruction
Course content
This teaching unit is composed of 3 leaning activities:
AA1 - “Human genetics” (24h - To be determined).
This learning activity will provide students with the basic notions of genetics and will cover genetic pathologies through examples.
History and impact of genetics - Cellular and molecular genetics - Structure and function of the human genome - Expression of genes and genomes - Genomics in human and animal health - Diagnostic techniques - Heredity - Genetic diseases - Population genetics.
AA2 - “Cell Biology II” (20h Th - Xavier Bisteau).
This learning activity will introduce the basics of cell signaling and the mechanisms that govern cell life. The AA will also introduce the deregulations of these mechanisms in the case of oncogenesis.
Intracellular signaling - Receptors and channels. Cell cycle control. Circadian rhythm. Cell death - Types and mechanisms. Molecular basis of oncogenesis. Tumor progression. Tissues and cell models - Stem cells - 2/3D culture.
AA3 - “Practical and personal work” (10h TP - Xavier Bisteau)
This learning activity will introduce cell culture and the aseptic environment through virtual reality. The activity will also lead the student to read, understand and present a recent scientific article linked to and complementing the Cell Biology II course.
Objectives (and/or specific learning outcomes)
At the end of this course, the student will be able to
- Describe and explain the mechanisms that control cell populations.
- Describe and explain the regulations of these mechanisms et their pathological consequences.
- Number and describe the functions of the main classes of proteins and molecules implicated in the control of different pathways and deregulations.
- Describe the diagnostics and therapeutic development in these various fields and the mode of action of new therapeutic approaches
- Able to understand the traits heredity, illustrated of examples including human genetic diseases
- Understand the concepts of analytical methods of genetic variants responsible of normal and pathological hereditary traits.
- Describe and explain a practical experiment of various fundamentals techniques of molecular biology frequently used in human genetics
Prerequisites and Corequisites
Required and corequired courses
Courses requiring this course
Teaching methods and learning activities
Course of human genetics, theory (24h) and Cellular biology II (20h) : Ex cathedra teaching
Practical work of cell biology (10h) will consist on the discovery of cell culture and directed and personal/group exercises. Completion of a guided assignment related to the course material and oral presentation in class.
References, bibliography, and recommended reading
Cell Biology :
1) Molecular Cell Biology (9th edition, 2021) Lodish, et al. Disponible également en version française : Biologie moléculaire de la cellule.
2) Molecular biology of the cell (6th edition, 2017) Alberts et al. Disponible également en version française Biologie moléculaire de la cellule (6ème édition)
Human Genetics :
1) Emery’s elements of Medical Genetics (ISBN10-0702079669)
2) New Clinical Genetics (ISBN10-1911510703)
3) Génétique Médicale - Enseignement thématique (ISBN-978-2-294-74521)
4) Génétique et Biotechnologie (ISBN 978-2-7298-7615-9)
Course notes
- Université virtuelle
Contribution to the teaching profile
- Acquire and master basic scientific knowledge of fundamental sciences linked to biomedical field at molecular and cellular level
- Opportunity to develop the scientific curiosity as well as the rigor and the necessary analytical method in biomedical field.
- Master the learning of physiological thinking
- Able to present exams and reports. Problems solving
- Being familiar with the know-how, the observation, the manipulation, the base of our scientific formation
- Master the statistical methods and/or epidemiological.
- Able of time management. Establish priorities.
Other information
Xavier Bisteau IRIBHM, ULB campus Erasme, Bat C, 808 route de Lennik, 1070 Bruxelles. E-mail : xavier.bisteau@ulb.be
Method(s) of evaluation
- written examination
- Oral examination
- Oral presentation
- Group work
written examination
Oral examination
Oral presentation
Group work
Human genetics, theory (24h): to be determined
Cell Biology II (20h+10h TP): Oral examination on the theoretical material
Practical and personal work: oral presentation of guided group work.
Mark calculation method (including weighting of intermediary marks)
Each of the 3 learning activities (LA) leads to an individual mark out of 20. The final grade for the UE will correspond to the weighted average of the grades obtained for each of the 3 AAs, provided that all 3 grades are ≥10/20. The weighting is as follows: 40% for Human Genetics (AA1), 40% for Cell Biology (AA2) and 20% for Practical/Personal Work (AA3). If one of the grades is <10/20, the grade for the UE will be the lowest grade. AA grades ≥10/20 are carried over from one session to the next and from one year to the next.
Language(s) of evaluation
- french