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Chimie générale

academic year

Course teacher(s)

Thierry VISART DE BOCARME (Coordinator), François RENIERS and Laurence RONGY

ECTS credits

See programme details


See programme details

Language(s) of instruction


Course content

Ex-cathedra courses :

Module I: Principles of general chemistry (72 hours)

The objective of this first part of the course is mainly to bring the student to develop a "general culture" and an understanding at different scales of the matter and its transformations.

After a review of the necessary backgroud, the course first introduces the tools necessary for a good understanding of the microscopic nature of matter. The thermodynamic approach is then introduced to understand the corresponding macroscopic description.

We then approach, from these different points of view, the main properties of matter. This includes among others the different states of the latter, the phase transitions of pure substances and mixtures, chemical transformations (equilibrium and kinetics).

Module II: descriptive chemistry (12 hours)

This module is intended for students of chemistry, bioengineering, biology, geology and polyvalent science (option). The prerequisites for this module are included in the subject of the main module. The first objective of this module is to familiarize students with the elements of the periodic table and their reactivity.

Module III: environmental chemistry and biological systems (12 hours)

This module is intended for students of chemistry, geology and polyvalent science (option). The prerequisites for this module are included in the subject of the main module.

This module will consist of the application of the concepts seen in the main module to concrete problems, related in particular to the chemistry of the environment and of living beings. In addition to their interest in the integration of the scientist into society, these hours allow a transversal vision of the theoretical notions encountered beforehand.

MODULE 1 : Introduction (3h): brief history of chemistry and its role in society
1. Fundamentals (5h)
2. Atomic structure (6h)
3. Molecular structure (8h)
4. States of matter (10h)
5. Principles of thermodynamics (10h)
6. Physical balances (10h)
7. Chemical equilibria (14h)
8. Chemical kinetics (6h)

MODULE 2 : Descriptive chemistry (12 h)

MODULE 3 : Environmental chemistry and biological systems (12h)

Objectives (and/or specific learning outcomes)

Based on the example of a student in chemical science following the entire CHIM-F-101 course  of general chemistry, this person will have followed 96 hours of ex-cathedra lessons, supported by 48 hours of exercises and 17 sessions 4 hours of practical work. Two personal work sessions (one in the first quadrimester and a second in the second quadrimester) aim to enable him to assess himself on the one hand and to communicate scientific data to an audience.

At the end of this teaching unit, a student will be able to:

• Constitute, maintain and develop knowledge in chemical sciences and put them in perspective with other scientific disciplines specific to their training

• Act as an independent scientific expert in problem solving

• Communicate in clear and rigorous language, adapted to the context and to the audience

• Autonomously conceive and implement scientific research projects

• Develop professionally while respecting ethical issues related to one's area of ​​expertise

Prerequisites and Corequisites

Courses requiring this course

Cours ayant celui-ci comme co-requis

Teaching methods and learning activities

The COURSE of General Chemistry (CHIM-F-101) is given by Thierry Visart de Bocarmé. Classes are given Tuesday and Thursday, from 8 a.m. to 10 a.m., all year round. This course is aimed at 8 sections of the Faculty and consists of three modules. The slides shown during the course are available on the general chemistry course website, present on the ULB Virtual University platform (uv.ulb.ac.be). This site also contains useful links to personal work to be done online, tests, handouts during the course, information regarding specific schedules for the general chemistry course, instructions for laboratories, etc.

Covid-19: Subject to changes in the health situation on September 10, 2020, it is planned to provide an educational offer in a hybrid format: face-to-face and remotely via the Teams platform. The lessons will be transmitted live, recorded and made available on the Stream platform. Classes will be given in the S.UD.2.210 auditorium (Chavanne Audience) on Tuesday for students in chemistry, physics, polyvalent sciences, geography, geology and mathematics with a biology orientation. Classes will be given in the S.UD.2.210 auditorium (Chavanne Audience) on Thursday for engineering students with a bioengineering orientation. Biological science students will take the entire chemistry course at a distance. In the event of an unfavorable change in the health situation, the chemistry course will be switched to a 100% remote format.

SEMINARS are two-hour sessions that take place from the second week, according to the schedule posted on electronic valves (GeHoL). Each seminar includes topics for reflection and digital applications to progressively deepen and assimilate the material taught by the teacher. Seminar sheets are distributed each week during the course and are discussed the following week in small groups of ± 10-15 students guided by an assistant. For these sessions to be effective, it is imperative to prepare them carefully by writing the answers to the questions and trying to solve the problems.

Covid-19: Subject to changes in the health situation on September 10, 2020, seminar sessions must be subject to prior online registration. This registration will be accessible according to the group to which the student belongs. Group changes will be strictly prohibited. Participation will be verified during the session. A spirit of mutual aid will be encouraged, particularly towards students who will not be able to come to the sessions.
Students will be informed of the permanent offer of interfaculty guidance of chemistry.

PRACTICAL WORKS or LABORATORY MANIPULATIONS are weekly sessions of four hours which take place in laboratories 1.C.2.201 and 1.C.2.214 (Plain). The first laboratory session takes place during the third teaching week. Students are asked to purchase a lab coat for this date. Protective glasses will be provided in exchange of a deposit of 10 euros. Participation in laboratory manipulations is compulsory (examination regulations). A student not present at the practical work sessions will be noted "Absent" as an overall mark for both the first and the second session.

Covid-19: Subject to changes in the health situation on September 10, 2020, the laboratory sessions will take place while ensuring the application of measures aimed at limiting the spread of the coronavirus (hand washing, disinfection of tables, wearing a mask, ...). Anyone presenting one or more symptoms of an infectious disease will be invited not to go to the laboratories and to report to their assistants (by e-mail) and to the chemistry secretariat (slabouve@ulb.ac.be).

The PERSONAL WORK aims on the one hand to help the students to assess themselves very early in the year and on the other hand to communicate scientific data to a target audience. They are on the program for certain sections only. Personal assignments at the start of the year consist of a review of the fundamentals of chemistry. After a common introduction to the seminar, students will be invited to individually solve these exercises online on the course website. The personal work of the second quadrimester will consist of an integrated case study in the research fields of the university, in small groups supervised by a tutor.

References, bibliography, and recommended reading

Principal reference for the lectures :

« Principes de Chimie », 4th édition, Peter Atkins, Loretta Jones et Leroy Laverman, De Boeck Université, 2017, or its original equivalent in English language.

Alternative references :

  • Principes de Chimie, N. Tro, : ERPI, 2015.

  • Chemical Principles, S. Zumdahl, 8th edition, Cengage Learning, 2016.

  • « Chimie Générale » et « Chimie des Solutions »,J.W. Hill, H. R. Petrucci, Pearson Education France, 2008, (deux tomes).

  • Éléments de Chimie Physique, P. Atkins, De Boeck Université, 1998.

  • QCM Chimie Générale, J. Dauchot, P. Slosse, B. Wilmet, Dunod, 1997.

Course notes

  • Université virtuelle
  • Podcast

Other information


Course coordinator:

Prof. Thierry Visart from Bocarmé
office P.A3.121 (Campus Plaine)
phone: 02 650 57 24
email: thierry.visart.de.bocarme@ulb.be


Ms. Sandhya Labouverie
phone: 02 650 29 36
email: slabouve@ulb.ac.be


Solbosch, Plaine


Method(s) of evaluation

  • written examination
  • Oral examination

written examination

Oral examination

Language(s) of evaluation

  • french
