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Introduction à la philologie classique

academic year

Course teacher(s)

Paul HEILPORN (Coordinator), Benoît Sans and Sylvie VANSEVEREN

ECTS credits


Language(s) of instruction


Course content

(P. Heilporn) In addition to the bibliography, the course has 5 chapters: Literary Genres in Greece, Literary Genres in Rome, History of Classical Studies, Introduction to Text Sciences, Introduction to Document Sciences.

(S. Vanséveren) A sixth part is devoted to the basic notions of linguistics, with application to ancient languages.

Objectives (and/or specific learning outcomes)

The aim of the course is to familiarize students with the sciences of classical antiquity as they relate to philology; the emphasis is on basic knowledge, methodology, and mastery of the instruments of work.

Prerequisites and Corequisites

Required and Corequired knowledge and skills

CLAS-B300 Séminaire de recherches en langues et littératures anciennes II - Dans le programme Bachelier en langues et lettres anciennes, orientation Classiques (bloc 3)
5 crédits - Alain DELATTRE (Coordonnateur), Emmanuel DUPRAZ et Sylvie VANSEVEREN
CLAS-B325 Paléographies grecque et latine - Dans le programme Bachelier en langues et lettres anciennes, orientation Classiques (bloc 3)
5 crédits - Wouter BRACKE (Coordonnateur)
CLAS-B330 Grammaire historique des langues anciennes - Dans le programme Bachelier en langues et lettres anciennes, orientation Classiques (bloc 3)
5 crédits - Sylvie VANSEVEREN (Coordonnateur)

Courses requiring this course

Teaching methods and learning activities

Lectures and exercises

References, bibliography, and recommended reading

"Introduction à la philologie classique", PUB

Course notes

  • Université virtuelle
  • Syllabus

Contribution to the teaching profile

To know the sources of languages, literatures and cultures.

To master the tools applicable to the criticism of sources.

Other information


E-mail : pheilpor@ulb.ac.be Tél. 02 /650.43.20 Bureau AY4.114c

sylvie.vanseveren@ulb.ac.be, bureau AZ5.111




Method(s) of evaluation

  • written examination
  • Oral presentation

written examination

Oral presentation

Written exam and marked exercises for the classical philology part (P. Heilporn)

Oral exam for the language part (S. Vanséveren)

Mark calculation method (including weighting of intermediary marks)

The final grade of the course will be composed of :

for 40% of the results of the exercises distributed during the year during the ad hoc sessions ;- for 40% of the mark obtained in the January (or May) exam with Mr. Heilporn ;- for 20% of the mark obtained in the January (or May) exam with Mrs. Vanséveren. An exclusion mark (< 7/20) in one of the two parts of the course will automatically lead to an exclusion mark for the whole course, marked by a 6/20 (or less, if the average is lower).

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)

Language(s) of evaluation

  • french
