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Mécanique des solides et des structures
Course teacher(s)
Philippe BOUILLARD (Coordinator)ECTS credits
Language(s) of instruction
Course content
Section 1: Introduction
0.1 Introduction
0.2 Einstein notational conventions
Section 2: Solid Mechanics
I.1 Solid statics (2D and 3D stress tensor, principle stresses, Mohr's circle)
I.2 Solid kinematics (strain, deformation, principle strains)
I.3 Constitutive equations (Hooke's law, 2D plane states)
I.4 General problem of elasticity
Section 3: Structural Mechanics and Strength of Materials
II.1 Structural safety (limit states, stress and strain analysis)
II.2 Static scheme (statically determined and undetermined structures)
II.3 Structural element: the beam (MNV diagrams)
II.4 Tension/Compression (stresses in cables, ropes, circular vessels and pipes, composite beams, pretension, thermal effects)
II.5 Bending moment (flexural stresses and strains, composite beams, pretension)
II.6 Shear force (shear stresses and strains)
II.7 Oblique bending (flexural stresses and strains) - not included in the exam
II.8 Compound bending (flexural stresses and strains)
II.9 Introduction to torsion (shear stresses and strains) - not included in the exam
II.10 Virtual work and beam deflection (Mohr's integrals)
II.11 Testing and advanced constitutive models (von Mises and Tresca yield criteria, creep, fatigue) - not included in the exam
II.12 Plastic tension/compression - not included in the exam
II.13 Plastic bending - not included in the exam
II.14 Buckling (Euler's theory for beams and columns buckling)
Objectives (and/or specific learning outcomes)
By the end of the module, the student should be able to :
Describe the structural design process.
Identify the structural safety requirements (Eurocodes)
Analyse real-life structures.
Accurately calculate the beam's structural internal forces
Apply the linear elastic models to the beams and recognise their limits.
Resolve comprehensive beam dimensioning problems.
Describe the non-linear behaviour of the beams.
Explain the structural instability concept and apply the Eulerian buckling model.
Prerequisites and Corequisites
Required and corequired courses
Cours co-requis
Courses requiring this course
Cours ayant celui-ci comme co-requis
Teaching methods and learning activities
Lectures and tutorials.
The lectures are based on flipped classes. The student has to prepare the chapter(s) planned beforehand and the lecture is dedicated to discussing the main questions. All material is available on ULB UV. The lecture will be organised physically if possible, online if not.
The tutorials are briefly introduced with theoretical concepts and individually monitored.
References, bibliography, and recommended reading
Coirier, J., 1997, ‘Mécanique des milieux continus. Concepts de base’, Dunod, Paris.
Frey, F., 2000, ‘Vol. 2. Analyse des structures et milieux continus. Mécanique des structures’, Presses polytechniques et universitaires romandes, Lausanne.
The full reference list is included in the slides.
Course notes
- Syllabus
- Université virtuelle
Contribution to the teaching profile
This module aims to develop the structural design procedure in a modern approach (Eurocodes).
This module contributes to many programme learning outcomes (available in French only).
Other information
BATir Dept., CP 194/2, C Building, level 5, room C-5-206 (Solbosch campus) email: Philippe.Bouillard@ulb.be.
Method(s) of evaluation
- written examination
written examination
- Open question with short answer
- Open question with developed answer
Written exam with two parts: theory (TH) and tutorials (EX).
The students are kindly informed that we do not disclose past exam papers or scripts. If you owe such documents, you must be aware that they have been wrongly acquired. By keeping or using them, you will be considered as accomplices of academic misconduct and subjected to a penalty on your final mark, possibly 0/20.
Mark calculation method (including weighting of intermediary marks)
50% TH + 50% EX.
Language(s) of evaluation
- french