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Introduction aux sciences dentaires - Module 2
Course teacher(s)
Cédric JURYSTA (Coordinator) and Astrid VANDEN ABBEELEECTS credits
Language(s) of instruction
Course content
Within the course, the following topics will be covered:
- Introduction to the practice of dentistry
- Orofacial physiology, including the physiology of the masticatory system (movements, swallowing, taste, smell, phonation)
- Biochemistry from the masticatory apparatus (biochemical aspects of biofilms, salivary secretions)
Objectives (and/or specific learning outcomes)
Module 2 of the course aims:
- to understand the dental morphology at both anatomical and biochemical level,
- to understand the physiology of the masticatory apparatus,
- to address the actions of dental practice and acquire the manual skills required to preclinical practical work (block 3).
Prerequisites and Corequisites
Required and corequired courses
Courses requiring this course
Teaching methods and learning activities
A lecture-style teaching (45 h) will be supplemented by practical work (35h). Active participation in each session of the theoretical course is highly recommended. Attendance at practical sessions is mandatory.
References, bibliography, and recommended reading
Bibliographical references of teachers, listed below, are available in the libraries of the academic pole.
Marseillier E. Les Dents humaines : Morphologie. Dunod, 2004.
Edgar WM, O’Mullane DM. Saliva and oral health. BDJ, 2004.
Levine M. Topics in dental biochemistry. Springer, 2010.
Contribution to the teaching profile
The course "Introduction to Dental Science" addresses the description of the oral cavity and the basics of dentistry.
The skills developed are learning, reasoning ability, communication, ethics and professionalism, collaboration, health promotion, management and acquisition of manual dexterity.
Other information
philippe.courtois@ulb.ac.be (coordonnateur)
Method(s) of evaluation
- Other
A written control of the various joint and integrated learning events will be organized at block 1 and the end of block 2. Each teacher revises issues related to its contribution. Practical work is assessed throughout the year as detailed in the didactic contract for each educational activity. The non-validation causes a reassessment of all learning activities either theoretical or practical.
Mark calculation method (including weighting of intermediary marks)
The success of the course unit implies a final mark of at least 10/20. However, mastery of all learning achievement (grade of at least 10/20) determines the validation by the jury of credits associated with the course. The final score is determined on the weighted arithmetic average of the scores for each learning activities. Each learning activity contributes to the final grade as a weight corresponding to the number of ECTS associated with it.
- Introduction to Dental Sciences (40% of points)
- Orofacial physiology (30% of points)
- Biochemistry of the masticatory system (30% of points)
If a note of a learning activity is less than 10/20, the average is not calculated and only this note renumbered the course. If several learning activities are insufficient, the lowest note is the final note. The absence at an evaluation provides notification of an absence for all learning activities. The non-validation causes a reassessment of all learning activities either practical or theoretical.
Language(s) of evaluation
- french