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Les politiques de développement
Course teacher(s)
Arnaud Zacharie (Coordinator) and Gani ALDASHEVECTS credits
Language(s) of instruction
Course content
The topics covered in the course are as follows:
1. Development paradigms and theories
- The import substitution paradigm
- The Washington Consensus paradigm
- The poverty alleviation paradigm
- The sustainable development paradigm
- Development financing flows
- Capital flight and net financial transfers
2. Development aid policies
- The historical evolution of official development assistance
- Characteristics of different types of donor countries
- The different channels of official development assistance
- Principles of aid effectiveness
- Principles of development effectiveness
- Blending
- The impact of development aid policies
- Policy coherence for development
- The role of ODA according to different theories of International Relations
3. Structural adjustment policies
- External debt crises in developing countries
- IMF and World Bank structural adjustment programs
- The HIPC initiative
- Poverty Reduction Strategy Papers
- The poverty trap
4. From development to globalization
- Neoliberal globalization
- The international breakdown of production processes
- The new international division of labor
- Dependence on raw materials
- The role of transnational corporations
- The impact of international tax competition and tax evasion
5. The impact of trade liberalization on development
- Theories on trade and development
- Empirical studies on trade and development
- Terms of trade
- The theory of impoverishing growth
- Developing countries' strategies for integrating into world trade
- The impact of intra-firm trade and global value chains
- South-South trade
- The challenge of regional trade integration
- The challenge of policy space
6. The impact of FDI liberalization on development
- The historical evolution of FDI in developing countries
- The nature of different FDI flows and their geographical distribution in developing countries
- The impact of the international fragmentation of production processes
- The impact of FDI on development
- South-South FDI
7. The impact of free trade agreements on development
- From the GATT to the WTO
- The Doha Development Agenda
- Bilateral and regional trade agreements
- Investment protection treaties
- The new generation of mixed regional agreements
- The impact of investor-state arbitration clauses (ISDS)
- Protection of intellectual property rights
8. The impact of financial liberalization on development
- The post-Bretton Woods system and capital market liberalization
- Financial imbalances and systemic crises in developing countries
- The role of pro-cyclical conditionality on the part of international financial institutions
- The accumulation of foreign exchange reserves in the 2000s
- The impact of the 2008 crisis and the role of the G20
- The impact of the financialization of commodity markets
- The role of exchange rate policies
- The role of capital controls
9. South-South cooperation
- International redistribution of wealth
- Decentralization of the world system and the multipolar world order
- Characteristics of South-South cooperation
- The different channels of South-South cooperation
- The impact of South-South regional integration
- The new South-South development banks
- The case of China in Africa and Latin America
10. Sustainable development goals and climate financing
- Environmental constraints on development
- North-South inequalities and climate injustice
- The 2030 Agenda of the Sustainable Development Goals
- Financing the mitigation of greenhouse gas emissions
- Financing adaptation to climate change
- The Green Climate Fund
11. Migration and development
- Theories on the impact of migration on development
- The role of migrant remittances
- The impact of economic migration on employment, income and working conditions
- The specific issue of refugees
- Using aid to support migration policies
Objectives (and/or specific learning outcomes)
The course objective is for students to master :
- The paradigms underlying development policies.
- The various theoretical concepts on which development policies are based.
- The historical evolution of development policies and the different flows of development financing.
- The different actors involved in development.
- Criteria for development effectiveness.
- The results of different types of development policy in economic, social and environmental terms.
At the end of the course, students should be able to:
- Describe the historical evolution of development paradigms, theories and policies.
- Critically analyze a given development policy.
- Read and critically analyze an evaluation report on a given development policy.
Teaching methods and learning activities
The lecture is given on the basis of a Power Point presentation including data and statistics from academic studies and reports from international organizations.
The course is summarized in a syllabus.
References, bibliography, and recommended reading
Abbas S. M. A. and Klemm A., with Bedi S. and Park J., « A Partial Race to the Bottom: Corporate Tax Developments in Emerging and Developing Countries », IMF Working Paper, Washington, n°12/28, January 2012.
Aglietta M. et Moatti S., Le FMI. De l’ordre monétaire aux désordres financiers, Paris, Economica, 2000.
Bairoch P., Le Tiers-monde dans l’impasse, Paris, Folio, 1992.
Baldwin R., « Trade and Industrialisation After Globalisation’s 2ND Unbundling : How Building and Joining a Supply Chain Are Different and Why It Matters », NBER Working Paper, Geneva, n°17716, December 2011.
Berger S., Made in Monde. Les nouvelles frontières de l’économie internationale, Paris, Seuil, 2006.
Bresser-Pereira L. C., Mondialisation et compétition. Pourquoi certains pays émergents réussissent et d’autres non, Paris, La Découverte, 2009.
Djankov S. and Miner S., « China’s Belt and Road Initiative. Motives, Scope and Challenges », Peterson Institute for International Economics, PIIE Briefing, 16-2, March 2016.
Gallagher K., « Policy Space to Prevent and Mitigate Financial Crisis in Trade and Investment Agreements », G24 Discussion Paper Series, Geneva, n°58, May 2010.
Lindauer D. and Prichett L., « What’s the Big Idea ? The Third Generation of Policies for Economic Growth », Economia, Fall, vol. 3, n°1, 2002.
Mayer J., « Policy space: What, for what, and where? », UNCTAD Discussions Papers, n°191, United Nations, Geneva, October 2008.
Nahavandi F., Du développement à la globalisation. Histoire d’une stigmatisation, Bruxelles, Bruylant, 2005.
Ocampo J. A., Griffith-Jones S., Noman A., Ortiz A., Vallejo J. and Tyson J., « The Great Recession and the Developing World », Initiative for Policy Dialogue Working Paper, New York, 2010.
Rapoport H., « Migration and Globalization: What’s in it for Development Countries? », IZA Discussion Paper, n°10109, Bonn, July 2016.
Reinhart C. et Rogoff K., This Time Is Different: Eight Centuries of Financial Folly, Princeton University Press, 2009.
Rist G., Le développement. Histoire d’une croyance occidentale, Paris, Presses de Sciences Po, 1996.
Rodrik D., Nations et mondialisation. Les stratégies nationales de développement dans un monde globalisé, Paris, La Découverte, 2008.
Woodward D., « Foreign Direct Investment for Development? », G24 Policy Brief, New York and Geneva, n°23, 2008.
Zacharie A., Mondialisation : qui gagne et qui perd. Essai sur l’économie politique du développement, Éditions Le Bord de l’Eau/La Muette, Lormont-Bruxelles, 2013.
Zacharie A. (sous la direction de), La nouvelle géographie du développement, Éditions Le Bord de l’Eau/La Muette, Lormont-Bruxelles, 2016.
Course notes
- Syllabus
Contribution to the teaching profile
The lecture is given on the basis of a Power Point presentation including data and statistics from academic studies and reports from international organizations.
The course is summarized in a syllabus.
Other information
Method(s) of evaluation
- written examination
written examination
Language(s) of evaluation
- french