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Enseignement et difficultés d'apprentissage : approches plurielles en sciences de l'éducation
Course teacher(s)
Thomas BARRIER (Coordinator), Dorothée BAILLET and Nathanaël FRIANTECTS credits
Language(s) of instruction
Course content
- History of educational sciences.
- Sociology of educational difficulties.
- Didactics of the disciplines taught at school.
- Pedagogy, psycho-pedagogy.
- Educational policies.
- Conceptions of justice in education.
- Prejudices about success and failure at school.
Objectives (and/or specific learning outcomes)
Particular emphasis will be placed on the study of teaching and learning practices from pre-school to higher education. We will see that the description, understanding and explanation of pupils' and students' learning difficulties require multidisciplinary, transdisciplinary and interdisciplinary approaches.
At the end of this unit, students should be able to...
- Think about the relationship between the psychological sciences and the educational sciences at the Université libre de Bruxelles throughout the 20th century
- Historicise and problematise some of the evidence on teaching processes and learning difficulties that we still inherit today
- To confront various theories in educational sciences on teaching processes and learning difficulties from the pedagogical and didactic triangle
- Acknowledge a number of controversies on these issues
- Abandon common sense and activist categorisations in favour of scientific approaches
- Contextualise the issue of learning difficulties within sociological issues beyond the individual.
- Recognise the conceptions of justice used in discourses on education.
- To know the consequences of different types of attribution of learning difficulties.
- To understand the issues at stake in the educational policies put in place in relation to the management of learning difficulties.
- To be confronted with the educational research related to these subjects.
Prerequisites and Corequisites
Required and corequired courses
Teaching methods and learning activities
- Lectures: ex-cathedra presentations, debates, questions and answers
- Practical work: only students taking this course as additional credits to the Master's degree in education are concerned by the practical work. The practical work consists of the creation of a file, in groups, on one of the subjects dealt with during the theoretical courses, and involves the delimitation of a theoretical framework as well as the carrying out and analysis of interviews with educational actors.
References, bibliography, and recommended reading
- Astolfi, J. P. (2020). L'erreur, un outil pour enseigner. ESF sciences humaines.
- Bautier, É., & Goigoux, R. (2004). Difficultés d'apprentissage, processus de secondarisation et pratiques enseignantes: une hypothèse relationnelle. Revue française de pédagogie, 89-100.
- Brousseau, G. (1990). Le contrat didactique: le milieu. Recherches en didactique des mathématiques, 9(9.3), 309-336.
- Croizet, J.-C. (2011). Chapitre 13. Les préjugés sur la réussite et l’échec. In E. Bourgeois, & G. Chapelle, Apprendre et faire apprendre (p. 197-209). PUF. https://doi.org/10.3917/puf.brgeo.2011.01.0197
- Dubet, F., & Duru-Bellat, M. (2004). Qu’est-ce qu’une école juste? Revue française de pédagogie, 146(1), 105-114. https://doi.org/10.3406/rfp.2004.3099
- Bourdieu, P. (1979). La distinction : critique sociale du jugement. Editions de Minuit.
- Bourdieu, P., & Passeron, J.-C. (1987). La reproduction : éléments pour une théorie du système d’enseignement . Les Editions de minuit.
- Dubet, F., & Duru-Bellat, M. (2004). Qu’est-ce qu’une école juste? Revue française de pédagogie, 146(1), 105-114. https://doi.org/10.3406/rfp.2004.3099
- Foucault, M. (1993). Surveiller et punir : naissance de la prison. Gallimard
- Goudeau, S. (2021). Comment l’école reproduit-elles les inégalités? Egalité des chances, réussite, psychologie sociale. UGA Editions / Presses Universitaires de Grenoble.
- Kahn, S. (2010). Pédagogie différenciée. De Boeck.
- Kahn, S. & Roland, E. (2021), “De l’enseignement mutuel à la pédagogie différenciée : la place de l’enseignement simultané », Education et socialisation, (59). https://doi.org/10.4000/edso.13800
- Lannegrand-Willems, L. (2004). Sentiment de justice et orientation: croyance en la justice de l’école chez les lycéens professionnels. L’orientation scolaire et professionnelle, (33/2), 249–269. https://doi.org/10.4000/osp.2153
- Laparra, M., & Margolinas, C. (2012). Oralité, littératie et production des inégalités scolaires. Le Français aujourd’hui, 177(2), 55–64. https://doi.org/10.3917/lfa.177.0055
- Pansu, P. & Dompnier, B. & Bressoux, P. (2004). L’explication quotidienne des comportements scolaires : Attributions de réussite et d’échec. In M-C. Toczek & D. Martinot (Eds.), Le défi éducatif : Des situations pour réussir (pp.277-302). Armand Colin.
- Perrenoud, P. (1998). La transposition didactique à partir de pratiques: des savoirs aux compétences. Revue des sciences de l'éducation, 24(3), 487-514.
- Petitat, A. (1999). Production de l’école, production de la société : analyse socio-historique de quelques moment décisifs de l’évolution scolaire en Occident . Librairie Droz.
- Rochex, J. Y., & Crinon, J. (2011). La construction des inégalités scolaires. Au cœur des pratiques et des dispositifs d'enseignement. Rennes (Presses universitaires de).
Course notes
- Podcast
- Université virtuelle
Contribution to the teaching profile
Collecting, analysing and synthesising the information necessary for the psychological, pedagogical and logopaedic evaluation of situations.
This involves developing a body of knowledge to :
- Analyse educational situations using conceptual frameworks from educational research.
- Analyse texts and discourses related to the world of education.
- Situate theories, tools and practices related to teaching processes and learning difficulties in their historical and epistemological context
- Maintain ethical reflection and act ethically in professional situations. This includes
- Adopting a critical stance and a permanent open-mindedness in order to act with respect for autonomy and the rejection of dogma.
- To question from an ethical point of view the devices, situations, discourses and attitudes specific to the world of education and training.
- To reflect on the societal, scientific, technical and ethical responsibilities linked to the profession of psychologist, educator, trainer or speech therapist.
Other information
Nathanaël Friant: nathanael.friant@ulb.be
General announcements and slide shows are communicated via the UV.
Method(s) of evaluation
- written examination
- Group work
written examination
Group work
Written examination with closed questions based on the lectures given by S. Kahn, N. Friant and T. Barrier (substituted by E. Roland)
Group work for the students in complementary credits to the Master in Education Sciences. This consists of the production of a file, in groups, on one of the subjects dealt with during the theoretical courses, and involves the delimitation of a theoretical framework as well as the carrying out and analysis of interviews with educational actors.
Mark calculation method (including weighting of intermediary marks)
The examination is composed of three distinct parts corresponding to the three parts of the course given by each teacher, equally weighted (1/3 of the examination points for each part).
For students taking the practical course, the examination and the practical course each count for 50% of the final mark.
Language(s) of evaluation
- french