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Digital electronics

academic year

Course teacher(s)

Dragomir MILOJEVIC (Coordinator)

ECTS credits


Language(s) of instruction


Course content

Boolean algebra. Formal representation of logic functions in two-level logic (sum-of-products). Analysis and synthesis of combinatorial digital systems. Logic function simplification: Karnaugh maps and Quine Mc-Cluskey: prime implicants extraction and function synthesis. Examples of combinatorial systems: adders, encoders, etc. Analysis and synthesis of sequential logic systems. State encoding and state simplification. Asynchronous implementation. Race conditions & solutions. Flip-flop synthesis. Synthesis of synchronous sequential circuits with different flip-flops. Micro-processors microcontrollers architecture. Memory. Timers. Interrupts. Digital IO and communication. Analog IO. C programming language. Concrete examples of implementation.

Objectives (and/or specific learning outcomes)

Manual synthesis of combinatorial and sequential (asynchronous & synchronous) digital logic circuits; physical implementation of digital logic circuits; Practical implementation of embedded systems applications that combine hardware and software

Teaching methods and learning activities

Ex-cathedra lectures + practical exercises + labs with computers and microcontroller boards

References, bibliography, and recommended reading

Advised but not mandatory: - Daniel D. Gajski, “Principals of Digital Design”, Prentice Hall- Sajan G. Shiva, “Introduction to Logic Design”, CRC Press

Other information


Prof. Dragomir MILOJEVIC - T: 02 650 30 60 - Dragomir.Milojevic(at)ulb.ac.beQuentin Delhaye - qudelhay(at)ulb.ac.beKen Hasselman - ken.hasselmann(at)ulb.ac.be


Method(s) of evaluation

  • Other


Written exam that covers all topics split into two parts: - Digital logic circuits (closed book) – dozens of weighted exercises depending on complexity (similar to what has been seen during exercise sessions), and - Practical exam (open book) – few practical questions used to assess the student’s capacity to solve real-life problems in embedded system design

Mark calculation method (including weighting of intermediary marks)

Each of the two parts will contribute to 50% of the final score.

Language(s) of evaluation

  • english
