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Network Security

academic year

Course teacher(s)

Jean-Michel DRICOT (Coordinator)

ECTS credits

See programme details

Language(s) of instruction


Course content

By the end of this course, students will be able to:

  • Explain concepts related to applied cryptography, including plaintext, ciphertext, symmetric cryptography, asymmetric cryptography, and digital signatures.

  • Experience the implementation and network standards behind the security of different cryptographic algorithms.

  • Analyze and implement common network vulnerabilities and attacks, defense mechanisms against network attacks, and cryptographic protection mechanisms.

Objectives (and/or specific learning outcomes)

Provide a solid understanding of the design and analysis of network security architectures, protocols, and services. Most of these protocols are based on cryptographic primitives and can be used as building blocks for more sophisticated networked systems. During the course, we will perform an in-depth coverage of today's network security standards, their functionality and limitations e.g., SSL/TLS, Kerberos, IPsec, Radius, IEEE 802.1x, WPA, etc. Furthermore, the students will acquire a practical knowledge and experience in deploying, configuring, and analyzing current network security tools and protocols.

We will also discuss recent trends in network security attacks, and cyber-attacks in general, and analyze variety of attacks with in mind the legal, technology, and society impacts.

Teaching methods and learning activities

Slides with a copy send to the students before the cursus.

Seminars with speakers from the industry and security experts.

The course has a substantial hands-on component. In addition to the conceptual problem sets, each team of students is required to perform several laboratory assignments in a laboratory environment.

References, bibliography, and recommended reading

William Stallings. Cryptography and Network Security (8th Ed). Prentice Hall Press, 2023.

Course notes

  • Université virtuelle

Other information


Jean-Michel Dricot (jean-michel.dricot@ulb.be)




Method(s) of evaluation

  • Personal work
  • Project

Personal work


Open book written examination: several questions on each chapter, one small numerical application and questions on a technical recent paper (issued by a supplier, a telco or a Forum) given before the examination.

Language(s) of evaluation

  • english
