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Analyse de textes littéraires anglais II

academic year

Course teacher(s)

Franca BELLARSI (Coordinator)

ECTS credits


Language(s) of instruction


Course content

Dr. F. Bellarsi (1st semester)

The course introduces students to contemporary environmental British fiction of the 20th and 21st centuries.

Lectures are supplemented by tutorials given by Mr. Watson, the assistant, as well as by weekly online tests over the Virtual University in order to help students prepare for the literary essay to be written on campus in the January examination session.

IMPORTANT: exceptionally this year, the course will benefit from the visit of Prof. Ursula Heise, 2024 Francqui Prize: lectures will be supplemented by a seminar in the afternoon of 21 November 2024. Attending this "Class of Excellence" is a compulsory part of this year's tuition. 

Objectives (and/or specific learning outcomes)

This course is meant to refine the literary analysis skills previously acquired through the GERM-B-115 course.

This course introduces students to the environmental, ecological, ecocritical and ecopoetic dimensions of literary narrative, as well as to more biocentric texts.

Prerequisites and Corequisites

Required and corequired courses

Cours ayant celui-ci comme co-requis

Teaching methods and learning activities

Formal lectures + "Class of Excellence" + tutorials relating to the fundamentals of essay writing + weekly online tests set by the assistant over the Virtual university. Additional individual reading is also required.

Contribution to the teaching profile

  • Consolidating techniques of literary analysis and interpretation.
  • Introducing students to the environmental, ecological, ecocritical and ecopoetic dimensions of literary narrative. 
  • Understanding intertextuality.
  • Learning to develop and structure an analysis/a question.
  • Consolidating a mastery of literary and scholarly English (both in speech and writing).

References, bibliography, and recommended reading

Bibliographical background will vary according to the nature of the works analysed in any given year. For the set reading list, please consult the Virtual University.

Course notes

  • Université virtuelle
  • Podcast

Other information

Additional information

Next to regularly attending lectures, it is also essential for students to attend the English composition tutorials taught by the assistant, Mr Watson.


Dr. F. Bellarsi:

E-mail: franca.bellarsi@ulb.be

Tel.: 02/650 67 47 (office) or 02/650.38.24 (Secretariat)

Personal interviews by appointment only. 

Mr. G. Watson:
E-mail: gregory.watson@ulb.be




Method(s) of evaluation

  • written examination
  • Oral examination

written examination

Oral examination

  • Open question with short answer
  • Open question with long development

Oral examination with Dr. F. Bellarsi in January + written examination in January in the form of an English literary essay to be written on campus. 

Mark calculation method (including weighting of intermediary marks)

  • The overall mark combines the grade obtained for Dr. F. Bellarsi's oral (2/3 of the total) and for the January essay (1/3 of the total).
  • Dr. Bellarsi's grade in January is subdivided as follows: 75% for contents (questions on 2 of the 3 novels covered in class, the choice of works being at the examiner's discretion + questions on Prof. Ursula Heise's "Class of Excellence) + 25% for spoken English proficiency.
  • If students do not take all the component parts of the evaluation, they will automatically be given a so-called "note de présence" (however, they will only have to resit the parts of the examination not taken previously or for which they did not obtain the requisite minimum pass).
  • Students failing to obtain in January an overall pass mark equal to or above 10/20 for the entire course will have to resit in August each sub-component of the evaluation given a mark lower than 10/20.

IMPORTANT: Partial grades can only be transferred from one examination session to another in ONE AND THE SAME ACADEMIC YEAR. THERE IS NO POSSIBILITY OF TRANSFERRING GRADES FROM ONE ACADEMIC YEAR TO THE NEXT (so if a student did not obtain the overall pass of 10/20 for the course evaluation as a whole in either January or August, he or she will have to retake ALL the evaluation components in the following year).

IMPORTANT: in conformity with Article 40 of the "Règlement des études" (Regulations Governing Studies at ULB) and the use of Generative Artificial Intelligence tools defined therein, students are prohibited from resorting to GAI in order to complete a learning task or demonstrate the acquisition of a skill meant to be assessed in a given examination ("recourir à une IAG pour effectuer la tâche ou démontrer la compétence sur lesquelles porte l’évaluation concernée"). If an answer offered during the evaluation process is clearly IAG-based, this will automatically lead to the cancellation of the examination pure and simple. 

Language(s) of evaluation

  • english
