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Introduction à la pratique de l'archéologie

academic year

Course teacher(s)

Laurent BAVAY (Coordinator), Laurent THOLBECQ and Agnès VOKAER

ECTS credits


Language(s) of instruction


Course content

The course provides an introduction to archaeology and its current methods, following the successive stages of excavation, data exploitation and interpretation, from an interdisciplinary perspective.

  • Introduction: Archaeology as a scientific discipline - Site discovery - Excavation and stratigraphy - Field data recording - Dating methods - Typologies and assemblages - Archaeology of buildings and architectural nomenclature - Materials: glass, metal - Material analysis - Pottery - Man in his environment: Archaeozoology and archaeobotany - Paleoanthropology and funeral archaeology - Conservation and site management - The main currents of archaeology - Looting and trafficking of archaeological goods

Objectives (and/or specific learning outcomes)

Theoretical introduction to the practice of archaeological excavation.

Prerequisites and Corequisites

Courses requiring this course

Teaching methods and learning activities

Ex cathedra

References, bibliography, and recommended reading

List of recommended readings available on the Virtual University environment (also including pdf documents and web-links)

Other information






Method(s) of evaluation

  • Other


30 questions, multiple choice test examination

Mark calculation method (including weighting of intermediary marks)

60 points on the multiple choice test, distributed as follows:

2 points per correct answer

0 point for no answer

  • 0,5 points per wrong answer

Language(s) of evaluation

  • french
