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Séminaire : pratique de la recherche : Antiquité
Course teacher(s)
Aude BUSINE (Coordinator)ECTS credits
Language(s) of instruction
Course content
Introduction to the Greek language. Grammar (morphology and syntax), basic vocabulary, accentuation, grammatical and translation exercises.
Second part: The second part of the course includes a presentation of several theoretical points (concepts of history during Antiquity, diversity of documentary sources, principles of dating, Quellenforschung, etc ...). Then the course is devoted to the practical analysis of specific dossiers from the original documents in fields covering the Greek and Roman worlds, from the Archaic period to the late Antiquity. Particular attention will also be paid to the comparison of written documents and monuments, to the contribution of historical studies stricto sensu to the interpretation of archaeological and artistic vestiges. The cases studied concern mainly Greek history, from the archaic period to late antiquity.
Objectives (and/or specific learning outcomes)
The objectives of the introduction to ancient Greek are: to have a general view on the Greek grammar and to master a basic vocabulary (1000 words). At the end of the year, the students have to be able to understand and translate a text in classical Greek with the help of a dictionary and a grammar.
The aim of the second part is to familiarize students with the main techniques of historical criticism applied to classical antiquity (Greek and Roman worlds). In particular, it will focus on the nature of the different documentary sources, the techniques of internal criticism of texts (literary and epigraphic) as well as certain aspects of ancient historiography. Reading will introduce students to the main contemporary historiographic debates.
Prerequisites and Corequisites
Required and corequired courses
Teaching methods and learning activities
There is a theoretical part and exercises, during the course and at home. All exercises are corrected and explained during the course.
The second part of the course also includes ex cathedra teaching and a series of exercises designed in a participatory way.
References, bibliography, and recommended reading
L. ROERSCH, P. THOMAS, J. HOMBERT, Élements de grammaire grecque, Wetteren, 1985 (14e édition revue et corrigée). J. BERTRAND, Nouvelle grammaire grecque, Paris, 2002.
Recommended reading: Neville Morley, Theories, Models and Concepts in Ancient History, Londres (Routledge), 2004 ISBN: 9780415248778
Contribution to the teaching profile
The first part is an introduction to ancient Greek (A. Delattre), the second one is a seminar of historical criticism applied to Antiquity (A. Busine).
Other information
For the introduction to ancient Greek: Alain DELATTRE - Alain.Delattre@ulb.ac.be - Tél. 02/650.24.53
For the seminar: Aude BUSINE - Aude.Busine@ulb.ac.be
Method(s) of evaluation
- Other
For the introduction to ancient Greek: written examinations.
For the seminar, the assessment will include a written examination to assess the learning outcomes and a written work in which the student will practice the basic principles of historical criticism.
Mark calculation method (including weighting of intermediary marks)
For the introduction to ancient Greek, the written exam of the first term (25% of the final note) has three parts: analysis and translation of nominal and verbal forms (25%), translations and analysis of sentences seen during the courses (50%), translation of a new text (25%). The written exam of the second term (75% of the final note) has two parts: analysis and translation of nominal and verbal forms (30%), accentuation (20%) and translation of a new text. For the translation of the new texts, the students may use their notes, a dictionary and a grammar.
For the seminar: essay 50 %, exam 50 %. A failure in one of the parts of the seminar has for result a failure for the whole of the seminar.
A failure in one of the parts of the course has for result a failure for the whole course.
Language(s) of evaluation
- french