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Histoire sociale des sciences et des techniques
Course teacher(s)
Renaud BARDEZ (Coordinator) and Kenneth BERTRAMSECTS credits
Language(s) of instruction
Course content
Students will explore the relationship between science, technology, culture, and politics through exemplary case-studies from different periods and contexts. Attention will focus on the tension between expertise and democracy, and on the ways in which new scientific and political futures are produced.
Objectives (and/or specific learning outcomes)
This course is designed to provide a rigorous foundation in the interdisciplinary field of Science and Technology Studies (STS). It will reconstruct the emergence of the major themes and issues in the field, and offer an overview of leading theories and research methodologies. The course will equip graduate students with theoretical and practical tools for analyzing complex problems at the science, technology, and society interface.
Teaching methods and learning activities
Ex-magistra teaching complementary with discussions based on individual/collective readings drawn from a portfolio of compulsory and recommended readings
References, bibliography, and recommended reading
Of interest can be the following readings: Dominique Pestre, 'Introduction aux "science studies"', Paris, La Découverte (coll. Repères, n. 449), 2006. - David Nye, 'Technologie et civilisation', Limoges, FYP Editions, 2008. - David Edgerton, « De l'innovation aux usages. Dix thèses éclectiques sur l'histoire des techniques », Annales HSS, 1998, Vol. 4-5, pp. 815-837.
Compulsory and recommended readings vary each year (see the updated versions of the bibliography).
Other information
denis.diagre@jardinbotaniquemeise.be; kbertram@ulb.ac.be
Method(s) of evaluation
- Oral examination
Oral examination
Oral examination
Mark calculation method (including weighting of intermediary marks)
Examination based on the knowedge and critical analysis of the teaching content and the compulsory reading material
Language(s) of evaluation
- french