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Pratique de l'anglais et du néerlandais IV

academic year

Course teacher(s)

Christelle JUSSIANT (Coordinator), Evie TOPS and Sofie VAN GEIJN

ECTS credits


Language(s) of instruction

english, Dutch

Course content


Academic English for Economics (taught in English): course book comprised of economics-related themes, specific academic language exercises and a reference section. Students will be well prepared for academic and business speaking and writing on relevant topics.


The course is based on the bachelor's curriculum in Dutch. It develops students' vocabulary and their ability to present and discuss different topics in Dutch. They will learn practical strategies needed in the professional world.

Students choose 3 modules from the following:

    Converseren & actualiteit
    E-mailen & co
    Cultuur beleven

The 'Lezingen' module is compulsory for everyone.

Objectives (and/or specific learning outcomes)


Develop students' lexical range, particularly with regard to academic English - language to develop appropriate argumentation - plus sub-technical and subject-specific vocabulary. Develop the ability to summarise, analyse and discuss texts critically and weigh up economists' viewpoints. Develop the ability to explain economic concepts and ideas in straightforward terms.


The aim of the course is to bring students to a level of fluency in Dutch which will enable them to function effectively in a professional Dutch-speaking environment without strain for either party.

At the end of the course, the student will be able to use the correct economic terminology in Dutch and he can successfully interact during a job interview in that language. He will demonstrate an advanced understanding of the language, be able to hold a professional conversation, give his opinion and develop an argumentation. He will be able to understand the key points of a complex text, including in the context of technical discussions in his field.

Teaching methods and learning activities


Interactive classes (approx. 20 students) taught in English: discussions, debates and academic-language exercises.


The course is made up of multiple modules, managed by different coordinators, which are taught face-to-face and/or by distance learning. Students can choose whether they wish to take the modules over the year or over a four-month period.

Contribution to the teaching profile

The course contributes to the following program’s skills:

  • Communication and language skills
  • Develop an independent approach to learning
  • Display critical thinking
  • Demonstrate analytical rigor and work ethics
  • Use analytical skills in an academic language context

References, bibliography, and recommended reading


Analysis of various texts, in addition to the course book (see above).


It depends on the module

Course notes

  • Université virtuelle

Other information





Christelle Jussiant


Sofie Van Geijn





Method(s) of evaluation

  • Personal work
  • written examination
  • Portfolio
  • Oral examination
  • Oral presentation
  • Group work
  • Other
  • Written report

Personal work

written examination


Oral examination

Oral presentation

Group work


Written report


Assessment – first and second exam sessions:

·    Portfolio-based oral-exam interview: 100%*

* First session in January – no oral exam in the May/June exam session. See UV for further details, including bonus/penalty marks for portfolio preparation development.


Each module has its own way of assessing students. We refer you to the LANG-S-001 course on the Virtual University for details of how each module is assessed.

Mark calculation method (including weighting of intermediary marks)

The final mark is 2/5 for English and 3/5 for Dutch.


Assessment – first and second exam sessions:

  • Portfolio-based oral-exam interview: 100%*

* First session in January – no oral exam in the May/June exam session. See UV for further details, including bonus/penalty marks for portfolio preparation development.


The mark for each module counts for 1/3 of the final mark.

  •     If a student obtains less than 10/20 in the final grade (weighted average of the 4 modules), he/she must repeat just the module(s) in which he/she obtained less than 10/20.
  •     If a student is absent from a module assessment, he/she will be awarded 0 for that module and this mark will be included in the calculation of the average final mark.
  •     If a student obtains at least 10/20 in the final mark, he/she have passed the teaching unit.

Language(s) of evaluation

  • english
  • Dutch
