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Codage visuo-manuel de la parole : Langue française parlée complétée

academic year

Course teacher(s)

Pauline van der Straten Waillet (Coordinator) and Cécile COLIN

ECTS credits


Language(s) of instruction


Course content



Speech perception in congenitally deaf people

Remediation strategies

The limits of lip-reading

The LfPC: a bit of history

The principle

The impact of the LfPC on language skills

LfPC and speech perception in noise

The production of the LfPC

The perception of the LfPC

Lip-hand integration

Do the lips and the hand have the same weight?

Effects of expertise and hearing status

Effect of visibility on the lips

Effect of the salience of the hand

Irrepressibility of integration

Time course of integration

Lip - hand - sound integration

Behavioral data

Time course of integration

Towards an integration model of the lips - hand - sound trio?

Perceptual-motor integration

Articulatory interference

Irrepressibility of the taking into account of the hand

Neural correlates of lip-hand integration

Is LfPC treated at the periphery of the visual field?

Synthesis and automatic recognition of LfPC


The IC- LfPC duo

Practical side

Training in the LfPC with trainers from ALPC

Objectives (and/or specific learning outcomes)

Understand the usefulness and principle of the LfPC, as well as the way in which manual, lip-reading and auditory signals are integrated by the central nervous system
Acquire the basics of communication with this tool; essential prerequisite for many courses in "deafness"

Teaching methods and learning activities

Ex-cathaedra part (+ - 4h) and practical part (+ - 10h + home exercises)
Attending the practical part is mandatory

Course notes

  • Université virtuelle

Contribution to the teaching profile

Prepare students to approach, in a concrete way, the world of hearing loss, through the mastery of this communication tool that is the completed spoken French language

Other information


Cécile Colin




Method(s) of evaluation

  • written examination
  • Oral examination

written examination

Oral examination

Oral exam covering the practical part
Written exam for the theoretical part 

Mark calculation method (including weighting of intermediary marks)

Weighting: 1/4 theory, 3/4 TPs if the two sub-scores are> or = to 8

As theory and pratice are independant, if one of the two marks is <8, it is this mark which is reported and the student automatically retakes the failed part(s). The mark of the successful part is kept from session to session but not from year to year.

Language(s) of evaluation

  • french
