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Master in Environmental Science and Management with focus Environmental Science

Master in Environmental Science and Management with focus Environmental Science

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Call to actions

  • Programme title
    Master in Environmental Science and Management with focus Environmental Science
  • Programme mnemonic
  • Programme organised by
    • Faculty of Sciences
  • Degree type
    Master 120 credits
  • Tier
    2nd cycle
  • Field and branch of study
    Sciences and technics/Sciences
  • Schedule type
  • Languages of instruction
    english / french
  • Theoretical programme duration
    2 years
  • Campus
  • Category / Topic
    Sciences and technics - Sciences
  • Jury President
    Thomas BAULER
  • Jury Secretary
    François FRIPIAT



General information

Degree type

Master 120 credits

Theoretical programme duration

2 years

Learning language(s)

english / french

Schedule type




Category(ies) - Topic(s)

Sciences and technics - Sciences

Organising faculty(s) and university(ies)

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Addressing the environmental problems facing our societies is one of the biggest chanllenge for the 21st century. The Master's degree aims to provide students with the knowledge and skills necessary for a critical, interdisciplinary and multidimensional approach to these problems. Throughout the program, students develop their ability to inform, lead and support socio-environmental transformations. The Master's degree is built around two distinct finalities, with complementary objectives: Environmental Management and Environmental Sciences.

The Environmental Sciences Finality is specifically directed towards the techniques of analysis, observations and modelling of the global and regional environment.. Taking place in a truly multidisciplinary structure, the training is particularly focused on the scientific analysis of the environment in order to better understand the detailed working of our Planet and its constitutive envelopes (Atmosphere-Hydrosphere-Cryosphere-Biosphere-Lithosphere). The training provides the knowledge and skills necessary to understand and diagnose complex processes  taking place on various scales (i.e., climate change, air and water quality, resource management, etc.).

This Finality is intended for holders of a bachelor's degree in the field of natural sciences, exact sciences or engineering sciences. Graduates will be able to bring their scientific expertise in the societal management of environmental issues, for which they will have followed a general and in-depth training as part of the Master's degree.

Learning is based on a set of theoretical courses as well as laboratory work, computer modelling exercises, research seminars, group work and, if the student so wishes, an internship in a public, private or associative organisation. A number of courses include field visits or excursions, or involve professionals: each year a number of people with environmental responsibilities come to share their knowledge with the students. The curriculum may also include conference cycles.

The success of the Master's degree also depends on the preparation and presentation of a final thesis. It is to be considered as an important vector for student specialization. In the best of cases, it will constitute the student's business card in the professional world. The thesis can be oriented towards research and analysis, just as it can have a more operational and practical purpose.

The Environmental Sciences finality allows candidates to flourish in a "multi-approach" scientific study (theory, laboratories, modelling, field) of the processes that govern the functioning of our environment, and to do so in a truly multidisciplinary structure, thus preparing them for professional integration.

Students have the opportunity to complete their teaching programme through an exchange in Europe (Erasmus+) or abroad.

For the Environmental Science Finality, it is recommended to limit this exchange to a part (a quadrimester) of the first year. In this context, it will be necessary to plan the stay in the previous year, due to the operational structure of ULB's Erasmus programmes. In addition, it is also possible to do an internship abroad. A European grant is awarded for internships undertaken outside Belgium in the Erasmus+ area.

Access conditions


This Master programme uses an interdisciplinary approach, relying on both natural and human sciences (ecology, geology, economy, law, etc.). Furthermore, it is structured around environmental domains (water, soil, air, etc.), economic sectors (agriculture, industry, energy, etc.), and environmental issues (climate change, waste, etc.).

What's next ?


The jobs reflect the diversity of students' origins and motivations as well as the heterogeneity of current environmental issues.

Graduates hold positions of responsibility in public bodies, consulting and engineering firms, non-governmental organisations, companies, etc. They work at different levels, from municipal to international, knowing that they have been able to work with a large network of resource persons active in these sectors as part of the Master's degree. Some graduates may also turn to university and international research groups.

Some examples:

  • Project managers in the various fields of environmental management (energy, climate, biodiversity, circular economy, water management, etc.) in the private sector, local to international public administrations, associations or NGOs.
  • Consultants in specialized consulting firms (impact studies, carbon off-setting, environmental management systems, etc.).
  • Environmental Advisor - eco-advisor in the public service or private sector.
  • Advisor/Principal to international organizations (e.g. IPCC)
  • Associative workers (animation, training, neighbourhood project, environmental education) and/or social and solidarity economy workers.
  • Researchers in academic or private environments.
  • Secondary and higher education teacher.