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Master in Architecture

Master in Architecture

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Call to actions

  • Programme title
    Master in Architecture
  • Programme mnemonic
  • Programme organised by
    • Faculty of Architecture La Cambre Horta
  • Degree type
    Master 120 credits
  • Tier
    2nd cycle
  • Field and branch of study
    Sciences and technics/Architecture and urban planning
  • Schedule type
  • Languages of instruction
  • Theoretical programme duration
    2 years
  • Campus
  • Category / Topic
    Art - Architecture/Sciences and technics - Architecture and urban planning
  • Jury President
    Jean-Marc STERNO
  • Jury Secretary
    Denis POOLS



General information

Degree type

Master 120 credits

Theoretical programme duration

2 years

Learning language(s)


Schedule type




Category(ies) - Topic(s)

Art - Architecture/Sciences and technics - Architecture and urban planning

Organising faculty(s) and university(ies)

Succeed in your studies


The information and guidance counsellors at the InfOR-études service will help you choose your studies throughout the year.


Take part in preparatory courses or get help to succeed, before or during your studies.

Get help

Apply for financial aid, look for accommodation or a student job, get support for your specific needs.


The years to be spent on a Master of Architecture complement the general training received in the Bachelor years. They give students the opportunity of following a more independent path, enabling them to better follow their personal aspirations, future engagements and specific areas of architectural design. The objective is to develop a pluralistic teaching, attentive to critical opinions, open to free thinking and innovative approaches to architecture, and deepening traditional architectural knowledge. It also aspires to be open to the numerous different facets of a rapidly evolving discipline, with a vast array of possibilities for specialisation and diversification. The MA course contributes to the training of architects and associated professionals capable of combining the necessary technical background, social responsibility and wealth of imagination. It offers broad opportunities for expression and creativity in a responsible way.


The teaching staff share the desire to establish a socially responsible Faculty, in tune with a changing world, open to innovative trends and aware of its social responsibilities. It welcomes all partnerships - whether in the field of politics, culture or the profession itself – helping the Faculty and its teaching to emerge from its isolation and relocate it at the centre of society – the place physically shaped, at the end of the day, by architecture. The teaching staff consists mainly of architects with one foot in professional practice and the other in academic teaching. The workshops are held in small groups with not more than twenty students per staff member, allowing great personal contact. International student mobility is greatly encouraged in the first year of the MA course.

Access conditions
