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Master in Geology

Master in Geology

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  • Programme title
    Master in Geology
  • Programme mnemonic
  • Programme organised by
    • Faculty of Sciences
  • Degree type
    Master 120 credits
  • Tier
    2nd cycle
  • Field and branch of study
    Sciences and technics/Sciences
  • Schedule type
  • Languages of instruction
  • Theoretical programme duration
    2 years
  • Campus
  • Category / Topic
    Sciences and technics - Sciences
  • Jury President
    Vinciane DEBAILLE
  • Jury Secretary
    Sandra ARNDT



General information

Degree type

Master 120 credits

Theoretical programme duration

2 years

Learning language(s)


Schedule type




Category(ies) - Topic(s)

Sciences and technics - Sciences

Organising faculty(s) and university(ies)

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Today, more than ever, geologists are geoscientists. Their multi-disciplinary background in earth and environmental sciences allows them to tackle complex issues associated with the evolution of our Planet, and the interactions between Humans and the Environment. They are, and will be in the future, key players in the sustainable development of our societies. 

In addition to providing solid training on the theoretical, practical, analytical and modellingtools necessary for a modern geologist, our Master in Geology gives students the opportunity to choose amongst a large range of in-depth specialisations (related to geochemistry, geology and environment). Our curriculum guarantees strong professional skills that could lead thestudents to scientific research, but also to careers in the private sector, e.g. in environmental consulting, management of natural resources, assessment of natural hazards, or exploration and exploitation of geomaterials.

The teaching methods follow the objectives set by the competency framework of the Faculty and the Master in Geology.

The Advanced Master program offers a series of mandatory courses (in Volcanology, Geochemistry, Geochronology, Metallogeny, Cosmochemistry and Planetology, Structural Geology, Hydrogeology, Oceanography, Environmental Geochemistry, and Modeling of the Earth System and Climate Change, Geographic Information Systems (GIS) to be followed over the two years of the Master.
These courses are accompanied by a fieldtrip abroad organized as part of the curriculum, a trip on the research vessel Belgica, and optional courses to be chosen among a very wide range of topics related to the Environment, Climate, Glaciology, Dynamics of the Atmosphere, ...
The entire curriculum therefore relies on a strong geochemical focus applied to both the Inner Earth and its surface reservoirs and their interactions. Special attention is given to field observations, laboratory analyses and measurements, and modeling.

A Master thesis will be produced in block 2 at the ULB and / or in collaboration with a partner institution.

An internship of 1 to 3 months must be undertaken during the Master (value: 10 or 20 credits depending on the length of the internship). This internship provides the student with the opportunity to become familiar with a new research environment and / or professional life by creating direct contacts within a company.

The Master in Geology is based on contributions from recognised experts in the fields of volcanology; isotope geochemistry and cosmochemistry; environmental (bio)geochemistry; chemical oceanography; sedimentology and biogeology; global modelling of the Earth system; GIS. In addition, experts from the Royal Institute of Natural Sciences of Belgium, the Royal Museum for Central Africa (RMCA), and the Royal Observatory of Belgium, and VUB, take an active part in teaching activities, as part of the ‘Pole Géosciences de Bruxelles’.

The teaching program offers students the opportunity to perform a field trip abroad (where the student will be immersed in his role as field geologist); a research trip on the Belgica; and an internship (long or short) that will inform the student on future professional careers. In addition, there is a wide range of optional courses on offer; opportunities to work in group; to give oral presentations and to master both languages (French and English).

Student apply to go on an Erasmus exchange period or a work placement in another university, whether a close ULB partner or a member of an international networks that ULB is part of.

Strong collaborations with the Royal Museum for Central Africa (MRAC), Royal Observatory of Belgium and Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences.

Access conditions


What's next ?


The geologist intervenes in challenges at the scale of the municipality, the country or even the planet. His high-level training can lead him to research in the academic sector but also in the private sector. Significant opportunities also exist in the public and non-governmental sectors, in with the context of management of natural hazards, land-use planning or the sustainable management of the environment and natural resources (environmental consultancy, soil remediation, protection of groundwater, air quality analysis ...). The technical skills acquired are also highly appreciated by the industries active in the field of geomaterials (civil engineering, cement, sustainable architecture, hydrogeology, mining exploration, …). With his knowledge, the geologist trained at the ULB will be called upon to play a central role in the major challenge of the 21st century: sustainable development of our planet-friendly society.