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Master of science in Civil Engineering
- academic year2024-2025
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Programme titleMaster of science in Civil Engineering
Programme mnemonicMA-IRCN
Programme organised by
- Brussels School of Engineering
- Bruface
Degree typeMaster 120 credits
Tier2nd cycle
Field and branch of studySciences and technics/Engineering sciences
Schedule typeDaytime
Languages of instructionenglish
Theoretical programme duration2 years
CampusOther campus/Solbosch
Category / TopicSciences and technics - Sciences and technics
- Jury PresidentsJohan GYSELINCK and Didier Snoeck
- Jury SecretaryEmanuele GARONE
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General information
Degree typeMaster 120 credits
Theoretical programme duration2 years
Learning language(s)english
Schedule typeDaytime
CampusOther campus/Solbosch
Category(ies) - Topic(s)Sciences and technics - Sciences and technics
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Programme objectives
This course in civil construction engineering at the ULB trains graduates for a broad range of jobs in the construction sector, qualifying them for positions in technical consultancies and supervisory centres (construction design), general companies (site management), administration, etc. The training given relies on the knowledge of the properties of materials used, the understanding of structural mechanisms (geotechnics, structure stability), and develops general skills in construction (project management, architectural integration, environmental aspects). The pedagogical methods used encourage teamwork on projects and enable participants to develop the essential skills for pursuing a rewarding career. Together, these two sets of qualities mean that the training provided on this programme offers skills which are both geared towards specific applications whilst being versatile at the same time.
Teaching team and methods
The teaching methodologies are combining classical courses, exercises, and lab sessions, as well as many projects.
Programme's added value
The course programme focus relies on an equal presence of full-time teachers from the university and others teachers working mainly in public sector departments and national or international companies. In addition to this integrated approach, the Master's course also has an international dimension through the opportunity for students to go on Erasmus exchanges or to do their first year at the VUB.
Organisation of internships
Teaching in English in partnership withVUB
An important set of bilateral agreements allowing an important Erasmus mobility
An important set of bilateral agreements allowing an important Erasmus mobility
International / Openness
Outgoing mobility is mainly organised through the Erasmus programme. A significant fraction of students study in partner institutions for a part of a year or a full year. Double diplomas also exist that allow outgoing mobility during the complete block 3 of BA and block 1 of MA, returning at ULB after the block 1 of MA.
The Master in Civil Engineering is organised jointly by VUB and ULB. This allows providing the students with an international atmosphere, and benefiting from the courses and infrastructures from both institutions.
Access conditions
The programme aims at developing general skills for civil engineering applications, including the design and structural mechanics aspects, the mastering of geomaterials, project management skills, or integrated water resources management.
To reach these objectives, the MA programme is centered on the design methodology. Acquiring the required technological skills is based on the scientific knowledge and competencies developed during the BA.
Among the main axes of the programme, an emphasis is put on the simulation tools for structures and materials, which allow modelling physical reality by state of th art models treated mathematically or computationally.
Geotechnicall and environmental aspects also require specific approaches for natural materials (soils, rocks) that have to be dealt with in any construction project.
The courses, exercises and lab sessions are complemented with many projects and a Master Thesis. Three options (three modules) are available in MA2: structures, construction and geomaterials, water resources.
What's next ?
The civil engineering activities represent an important part of the industrial activity in Europe. The nature of this field implies the diversity of activities: public services, building developments as well as industrial constructions. Due to their curriculum, the civil engineers studying at ULB may take part in various fields of activities: construction management, design in engineering offices, ...
The global education of civil engineers allows integrating in other fields of activities in which their expertise is valued: mechanical of aerospace industry, consultancy, IT industry, ...