Master in Linguistics

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  • Programme title
    Master in Linguistics
  • Programme mnemonic
  • Programme organised by
    • Faculty of Letters, Translation and Communication
  • Degree type
    Master 120 credits
  • Tier
    2nd cycle
  • Field and branch of study
    Human and social sciences/Languages and literature
  • Schedule type
  • Languages of instruction
  • Theoretical programme duration
    2 years
  • Campus
  • Category / Topic
    Human and social sciences - Languages and literature
  • Jury President
    Alain DELATTRE
  • Jury Secretary
    Philippe KREUTZ



General information

Degree type

Master 120 credits

Theoretical programme duration

2 years

Learning language(s)


Schedule type




Category(ies) - Topic(s)

Human and social sciences - Languages and literature

Organising faculty(s) and university(ies)

Succeed in your studies


The information and guidance counsellors at the InfOR-études service will help you choose your studies throughout the year.


Take part in preparatory courses or get help to succeed, before or during your studies.

Get help

Apply for financial aid, look for accommodation or a student job, get support for your specific needs.


As linguistics is a truly general discipline that is not geared towards any particular group of languages and addresses all aspects of language, it is at the crossroads of sciences and the humanities. It combines the empirical requirements of descriptive study with the impetus for a precise formal approach that links it with logic and mathematics. The Master in Linguistics is intended for students who wish to take up the conceptual and formal challenges posed by a rich and complex field.


The flexible, diverse nature of the programme lets students adjust their skill profile to their own wishes and to the highly varied requirements of the labour market.

Students can spend the first term of year 2 in a different university with which ULB has signed an exchange agreement.

The Master programme is organised in collaboration with the University of Mons.

In the catalogue, courses whose identifier starts with LING-Y are taught at UMons. Those whose identifier starts with GERM-Y and FRAN-Y are taught at VUB.

Access conditions


In addition to the core aspects of linguistics (phonetics, phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics, pragmatics), the programme also addresses more traditional areas of interest (logic, philosophy of language, comparative grammar) and other branches of study that were developed more recently, such as psycholinguistics, neurolinguistics, cognitive science, or applied technology for linguistics. Students can also familiarise themselves with sociolinguistics, rhetoric, reasoning, and discourse analysis.

What's next ?


Career prospects for graduates are numerous and varied. A Master’s degree in linguistics is a necessary step for anyone wishing to pursue research in linguistics (PhD). However, the business world also provides linguists with interesting career opportunities in fields as diverse as natural language processing, applied linguistics, information and communications technology, and various forms of consulting. Graduates also have access to certain teaching positions in higher education institutions.