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Master in Labour sciences, Co-operative Education

Master in Labour sciences, Co-operative Education

This formation is organized as a dual education system.

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    Call to actions

    • Programme title
      Master in Labour sciences, Co-operative Education
    • Programme mnemonic
    • Programme organised by
      • Faculty of Philosophy and Social Sciences
    • Degree type
      Master 120 credits
    • Tier
      2nd cycle
    • Field and branch of study
      Human and social sciences/Political and social sciences
    • Schedule type
      Cooperative education
    • Languages of instruction
    • Theoretical programme duration
      2 years
    • Campus
      Charleroi Ville Haute/Solbosch
    • Category / Topic
      Human and social sciences - Human resources management/Human and social sciences - Political and social sciences
    • Jury President
      Michel SYLIN
    • Jury Secretary
      Aline BINGEN



    General information

    Degree type

    Master 120 credits

    Theoretical programme duration

    2 years

    Learning language(s)


    Schedule type

    Cooperative education


    Charleroi Ville Haute/Solbosch

    Category(ies) - Topic(s)

    Human and social sciences - Human resources management/Human and social sciences - Political and social sciences

    Organising faculty(s) and university(ies)

    Succeed in your studies


    The information and guidance counsellors at the InfOR-études service will help you choose your studies throughout the year.


    Take part in preparatory courses or get help to succeed, before or during your studies.

    Get help

    Apply for financial aid, look for accommodation or a student job, get support for your specific needs.


    The Master in Labour Studies in cooperative education trains specialists in labour organisation and management. The programme is in direct contact with the professional world, with a cooperative structure that enables students to learn while experiencing the reality of the labour market and learning practical skills. Theoretical and practical classes are pluridisciplinary in nature, as they tackle labour issues from a legal, sociological, psychological, economic, and social perspective.


    Theoretical and practical courses are given as evening and weekend classes on the Charleroi-Ville Haute campus, which enables students to be present in their company or organisation during regular office hours.

    Students in the Master in Labour Studies in cooperative education earn both professional experience and a Master's degree, both of which are essential to enter and remain on the labour market.

    Access conditions


    Classes for the Master in Labour Studies in cooperative education are given on the Charleroi-Ville Haute campus. The curriculum is based on examining labour issues from various perspectives (year 1) before focusing on the non-market sector (year 2). Students are required to complete two training periods in a professional environment (public or private organisation) during the Master.

    What's next ?


    The Master in Labour Studies prepares students to manage personnel in public and private companies, manage payroll offices, or work as tier 1 civil servants; graduates may also find work in NGOs, international organisations, or international trade unions, and work in executive positions in public or private companies or in the non-profit sector (personnel management, insertion, training, etc.).

    – University-level social worker

    – Head of organisation in the non-market sector

    – Consultant, human resource or training manager

    – Civil servant

    – Executive in private companies

    – Project manager

    – Gender equality officer

    – Trainer

    – Employment counsellor