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Master in Labour sciences
- academic year2024-2025
- Focus Education and job placement management (evening schedule) : This formation is organized out of office hours.
- Focus Professional (evening schedule) : This formation is organized out of office hours.
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Programme titleMaster in Labour sciences
Programme mnemonicMA-TRAV
Programme organised by
- Faculty of Philosophy and Social Sciences
Degree typeMaster 120 credits
Tier2nd cycle
Field and branch of studyHuman and social sciences/Political and social sciences
Schedule typeDaytime/Evenings and weekends
Languages of instructionfrench
Theoretical programme duration2 years
CampusCharleroi Ville Haute/Solbosch
Category / TopicHuman and social sciences - Human resources management/Human and social sciences - Political and social sciences
- Jury PresidentAline BINGEN
- Jury SecretaryIsil ERDINC
- printable version of this programme (whole datasheet)
- printable version of this programme (courses only)
- Programme profile (Focus Education and job placement management (evening schedule))
- Programme profile (Focus European)
- Programme profile (Focus Professional (evening schedule))
- Programme profile (Focus Work Organization and Social Relations)
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Additional information
General information
Degree typeMaster 120 credits
Theoretical programme duration2 years
Learning language(s)french
Schedule typeDaytime/Evenings and weekends
CampusCharleroi Ville Haute/Solbosch
Category(ies) - Topic(s)Human and social sciences - Human resources management/Human and social sciences - Political and social sciences
Organising faculty(s) and university(ies)
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Programme objectives
The objective of the Master in Labour Studies is to train people specialised in the organisation and management of labour. This means the programme's content must be versatile and flexible, tailored to social realities, and designed to prepare graduates for professional careers in the public or private sectors. With its direct link to the working world, the Master is above all characterised by its multidisciplinarity, with labour being considered from legal, sociological, psychological, economic, social, and medical perspectives.
Teaching team and methods
Programme's added value
The Master programme can be completed either as daytime classes or as evening/weekend classes, depending on the chosen specialisation.
Certain specialisations are taught on the Solbosch Campus in Brussels, others in Charleroi.
International / Openness
Students can spend a term abroad in the master programme. The department has exchange agreements with numerous European universities: Toulouse, Rennes, Istanbul, Lisbon, Zaragoza, etc.
The “gender and inequality” specialisation is part of a European network.
Access conditions
Students in this programme must pick one of the following specialisations:
Specialisations on the Brussels campus:
Labour organisation and administration (daytime classes) – This specialisation is directly linked to labour issues in the fields of law, sociology, psychology, and economics.
Managing training and work-to-school transitions (evening/weekend classes) – This specialisation targets unemployment and greater labour mobility, where activities in the field of employability have greatly developed. The specific features of the skills involved in project design and management are a major subject in the programme. Company modernisation, in particular from an organisational perspective, has placed the focus on the need to provide training on strategies for managing companies.
The specialisation on Gender and inequality, offered in part as evening/weekend classes, aims to train gender equality specialists by giving them the tools, knowledge, and awareness required to support progress in the field of gender equality and the fight against discrimination. This specialisation is closely connected to the European EGALES network (Etudes Genre et Actions Liées à l’Égalité dans la Société), whose members are the Lumière University Lyon 2 (network coordinator), the University of York (United Kingdom), the Autonomous University of Barcelona (Spain), the Åbo Akedemi University (Finland), the University of Lausanne (Switzerland), the University of Bucharest (Romania), and the University of Toulouse-Jean Jaurès (France). The network offers opportunities for Erasmus exchanges for students taking who pick this specialisation. The EGALES Master website is: http://egales.univ-lyon2.fr/fr/
Evenings/weekend classes on the Charleroi campus:
Two branches of Master programme are available:
o Management and administration in the non-market sector, which provides training related to the non-commercial sector. This programme is intended for students who are called upon to work in positions of responsibility in public services, as well as for those interested in designing, developing, and managing service projects within non-profit organisations (associations, cooperatives, foundations, sheltered companies, NGOs, etc.).
o Social development, which is related to the ongoing promotion of professions associated with social work. The programme trains designers, managers, trainers, and supervisors of social projects in the public and private sectors as well as in NGOs. It provides graduates with a theoretical basis for analysing major challenges we are now facing: employment, working conditions, social exclusion, finding a job, local development.
What's next ?
The Master in Labour Studies prepares students to work in HR management in private or public companies, manage ‘social secretariats’ (payroll administration) and to work in tier 1 positions in public administrations. Opportunities also exist in NGOs, international organisations, and international trade unions. It also opens the door to positions of responsibility in private and public companies or in the non-profit sector (career guidance, job seeking, training, etc.):
University-level social worker
Team leader or organiser in the non-profit sector
Consultant, human resource / training management
Civil servant
Manager in the private sector
Project manager
Gender equality officer
Employment counsellor
Labour inspector