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Master in Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation (60 credits)

Master in Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation (60 credits)

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  • Programme title
    Master in Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation (60 credits)
  • Programme mnemonic
  • Programme organised by
    • Faculty of Human Movement Sciences
  • Degree type
    Master 60 credits
  • Tier
    2nd cycle
  • Field and branch of study
    Health/Motor skills
  • Schedule type
  • Languages of instruction
  • Theoretical programme duration
    1 year
  • Campus
  • Category / Topic
    Health - Motor skills/Health - Physical therapy
  • Jury President
  • Jury Secretary
    Stéphane BAUDRY



General information

Degree type

Master 60 credits

Theoretical programme duration

1 year

Learning language(s)


Schedule type




Category(ies) - Topic(s)

Health - Motor skills/Health - Physical therapy

Organising faculty(s) and university(ies)


This Master mainly includes work placements/internships (8 months), giving students an opportunity—with the help of specialist tutors—to build their ability to establish a diagnosis and develop a treatment plan based on up-to-date knowledge and the principles of evidence-based medicine.

With hands-on training, students will also learn to make rational use of techniques that are specific to physiotherapy for a number of disorders: ortho-traumatological, neurological, respiratory, cardiovascular, paediatric, urogynaecological, mental, etc.

By taking part in pluridisciplinary treatments, they will learn to work efficiently within a therapeutic team.

The dissertation will also provide an opportunity to conduct scientific research, based on actual experimental work conducted in a university hospital or in one of the Faculty's laboratories.

Graduates of the Master in Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation will have the professional skills (up-to-date knowledge, practical skills, technical proficiency, scientific discipline, etc.) as well as the human skills required to work in the health sector.


Graduates of the Master in Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation are granted the title of physiotherapists, recognised in Belgium and other EU countries.

With its multidisciplinary synergies and interactions in the field of healthcare, the Erasme campus promotes a transversal approach of patient care: its university hospital and therapeutic simulation teaching lab (SimLabs.be) make the campus an ideal place for learning through practice.

This Master programme lets student find work in a variety of settings:

  • private practices or home care;

  • healthcare institutions such as hospitals, rehabilitation centres, clinics, nursing homes, community residences for elderly or disable people;

  • more specific contexts such as athletic healthcare, NGO humanitarian missions, specialised teaching, detox centres, correctional facilities, or juvenile correctional facilities (‘IPPJ’);

  • administration or management of healthcare centres, private companies in the medical field, research labs, NGOs, etc. In this context, they will be responsible for managing their workload and that of their colleagues in a consistent and responsible way, and for putting together events and seminars. They will manage human resources, and work on cases that involve debating, negotiating, researching, and teaching.

Graduates will have the opportunity to pursue an additional year of studies to earn a Master in Motor Skills, either with a specialisation in sports-related pathologies or health, fitness and nutrition, or preparing to scientific research and a PhD. They can also join the Master in Osteopathy in the first year, or access university or interuniversity continuing education programmes in a variety of fields such as physiotherapy for paediatric, respiratory, rheumatic, neurological, or perineal disorders, manual therapy, among others.

  • The Erasme campus, which is still under construction, hosts teaching activities in health sciences—with classrooms and laboratories—, a high-performance, state-of-the-art hospital, and the Library of Health Sciences.

  • A hospital network that plays a major part in Brussels, but also throughout Wallonia, enabling students to complete a great variety of work placements/internships during their Master;

  • Faculty infrastructures: entirely new buildings and equipment dedicated to teaching, research, and athletics;

  • State-of-the-art laboratories for motor sciences: physiology, neurophysiology, biomechanics, biochemistry, and anatomy, all taking part in both fundamental and applied research activities, from studying the determinants of athletic performance and motor rehabilitation to studying psychological and cognitive abilities in extreme environments (high altitude, outer space, etc.);

  • Students may choose from a number of specialisations: sports pathologies (60 credits), health, fitness and nutrition (75 credits), paediatric, neurological or cardiovascular physiotherapy or manual therapy (continuing education), osteopathy (180 credits), or motor sciences with a focus on research (60 credits), which grants access to PhD programmes (240 credits).

Work placements/Internships may be partially completed in France (mainland or overseas), Spain, Bulgaria, Canada, Burkina Faso, Senegal, or in other partner countries.

Access conditions


This Master is organised as a single year of studies (60 credits). It includes 8 months of internships/work placements in university hospitals, rehabilitation centres, or private practices.

Students will also regularly attend conferences and seminars—given by specialists in a given field—that are relevant to their work placement/internships and their professional experiences.

Work placements/Internships can also be completed abroad, for a maximum of 3 months, for instance as a part of the Erasmus exchange programme or within certain NGOs.

What's next ?


Work as a physiotherapist

  • Consultations in a private practice or at the patient's home, or in clinics, rehabilitation centres, nursing homes, and community residences for elderly or disabled persons.

  • Physiotherapists can take part in the administration and management of healthcare centres;

  • Students who complete a 120-credit master may pursue a PhD.