Course teacher(s)
Davy PAINDAVEINE (Coordinator)ECTS credits
Language(s) of instruction
Course content
Introduction to statistical inference:
- Sampling theory (sample vs population, statistics, sampling distributions, Fisher's lemma)
- Point estimation (the problem, estimation criteria, estimation methods)
- Hypothesis testing (basic concepts, Neyman-Pearson, monotone likelihood ratio families, likelihood ratio tests, chi-square tests)
- Confidence intervals (basic concepts, pivotal functions, exact and asymptotic intervals, duality with hypothesis testing).
Objectives (and/or specific learning outcomes)
With the help of this course unit, students will be able to:
- make use of the basic principles of statistical inference
- build, for an arbitrary parametric model and for each of the classical inference problems (point estimation, hypothesis testing, interval estimation), suitable inference methods
- appreciate how simulation results can help validating a statistical theory
Prerequisites and Corequisites
Required and corequired courses
Courses requiring this course
Teaching methods and learning activities
Lectures (theory)
Exercise sessions
References, bibliography, and recommended reading
Bickel, P.J., et Doksum, K.A. (2001). Mathematical Statistics. Basic Ideas and Selected Topics. Prentice Hall, New Jersey.
DasGupta, Anirban (2008). Asymptotic Theory of Statistics and Probability. Springer, New York.
Knight, K. (1999). Mathematical Statistics. Chapman & Hall/CRC.
Shao, J. (2003). Mathematical Statistics. Springer-Verlag, New York.
Course notes
- Syllabus
- Université virtuelle
Contribution to the teaching profile
Analyzing, summarizing and making links between the various fields in mathematics
Mastering the principles of logical reasoning and being able to base on these a solid argumentation
Identifying the mathematic framework underlying a given problem
Becoming familiar with methods of modelling.
Understanding criteria of rigour, argumention, techniques of proofs
Understanding how concepts emerge from observations or examples
Understanding data analysis and modelling
Identifying questions arising in a theory
Exploring the consequences of a mathematical result
Other information
Davy Paindaveine
Plaine, Solbosch
Method(s) of evaluation
- written examination
- Oral examination
written examination
Oral examination
A written exam will be organized in January. The exam will offer both open questions and closed questions (MCQ and/or true-or-false). Questions may refer to the theory (for bachelor students: this includes proofs) and exercises.
Students who will obtain a grade between 8/20 and 11.5/20 in the written exam will be given the opportunity to take an oral exam, that will be organized in January, too. The oral exam is not compulsory (it may result into a final grade that is larger - up to 12/20 - or smaller than the one obtained in the written exam). If one does not take the oral exam, then the final grade will of course be the one obtained at the written exam.
In the "seconde session", a written and an oral exam will be organized in August/september, according to the same rules as in the "première session".
Mark calculation method (including weighting of intermediary marks)
The final grade is unique and cannot be considered in parts.
Language(s) of evaluation
- french