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Specialized Master in transition urbanism and regional planning

Specialized Master in transition urbanism and regional planning

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Call to actions

  • Programme title
    Specialized Master in transition urbanism and regional planning
  • Programme mnemonic
  • Programme organised by
    • Brussels School of Engineering
    • Faculty of Architecture La Cambre Horta
  • Degree type
    Advanced master
  • Tier
    2nd cycle
  • Field and branch of study
    Sciences and technics/Architecture and urban planning
  • Schedule type
  • Languages of instruction
  • Theoretical programme duration
    1 year
  • Campus
  • Category / Topic
    Sciences and technics - Architecture and urban planning
  • Jury President
    Denis POOLS
  • Jury Secretary
    Géry Leloutre



General information

Degree type

Advanced master

Theoretical programme duration

1 year

Learning language(s)


Schedule type




Category(ies) - Topic(s)

Sciences and technics - Architecture and urban planning

Organising faculty(s) and university(ies)


This Advanced Master aims at training highly qualified professional and researcher to become cutting edge planner and urbanist. The need for such profile is not covered by any existing master at ULB, the Master in Urban Studies (VUB-ULB) and the master in urban management of ULB in Chalreroi. On the contrary, there is a strong need for such a programme to deepen the urbanism and research by design skills of master graduates with an initial training in architecture (MA Architecture, MA landscape architecture, MSc Architectural Engineering). The current proposal is an attempt to deliver collaboratively a revised and upgraded Advanced Master in Transition Urbanism.

The programme will use a mix of different education methods : planning and design training in the studio, lectures seminars and individual work in the core module.

  • Planning an design strategies as a cornerstone - with particular focus on linking research by design for strategic spatial planning with public policy

  • Focus on sustainability and transition - climate and economic change, territorial ecosystem & urban metabolism, landscape ecology & public space, sustainable transport & urban mobility, transition planning & territorial development, etc.)

  • Strong research by design orientation – value of the programme as fertile grounds for prospective and research by design PhDs

  • Internship : compulsory internship (research lab or professional office)

  • Language of instruction: French and English. This choice has been made to simultaneously cover the local needs for highly trained people in urbanism and increase the international attractiveness of the programme using Brussels, European Capital, as an asset.

In the framework of this programme, students wille have the opportunity to realize an erasmus placement internship in a urbanism agency or research center. International collaborations with parnters universities will be organize in the design studio. Students will be offer the opportunity to take part in international masterclasses.

Access conditions


This curriculum consists of cutting-edge new theoretical, studio and seminar course tailored specifically for this master by high level academic and professional in the field of urbanism. It consist of a 20 ECTS theoretical core module (in English), a 16 ECTS project module with two options (english and French), a 16 ECTS master thesis and a 8 ECTS internship.

What's next ?


Urbanist, urban designer, town planner, researcher - independant practice or public servant