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Etude des médicaments : médicaments organiques 1 et biologiques

academic year

Course teacher(s)

François DUFRASNE (Coordinator) and Cédric Delporte

ECTS credits


Language(s) of instruction


Course content

  • "Organic drugs" part: molecular drug design (drug design, molecular pharmacochemistry); systematic study of different drug classes (anti-infectives, anti-tumor and immunomodulators, sympathetic and parasympathetic drugs). The chemical, physicochemical and molecular pharmacology aspects will be mainly discussed. The purely medical aspects will only be discussed if they are not seen in the clinical pharmacy and pharmacotherapy courses of the higher years. The monographs (European Pharmacopoeia - the most recent edition available) will serve as a basis for studying the analysis of molecules.

  • Part "Biological medicinal products": This part will address the following points:

1) What is a drug from biotechnology and historical insight.

2) Description and design of different types of "biomedicines". How are they developed?

  • Proteins (Monoclonal antibodies, Antibody fragment, enzymes, hormonal peptides, soluble receptors, drug conjugated antibody (ADC), ...


  • Stem cells

3) Preparation, characterization and quality control of "biomedicines".

4) Description of the medicinal products resulting from biotechnology currently used in therapeutics according to their pharmacotherapeutic class and their target (s).

The classes will be:

  • Anti-tumors

  • Immuno-modulators

  • Hormonal peptides

  • Biomedicine of the cardiovascular system.

  • Antivirals

  • Anti-angiogenesis

For each biomolecule, the mode of action, positioning and adverse effects will be briefly described.

Objectives (and/or specific learning outcomes)

  • “Organic drugs” part: to bring the student to a thorough knowledge of each medicinal product used in therapeutics, their practical use in medicine, their physico-chemical properties and how to analyze them; to understand how new drugs are created.

  • "Biological drugs" part: The objectives are to describe (i) the types of innovative medicines produced by biotechnology, (ii) production methods and (iii) describe by pharmacotherapeutic classes which drugs are currently clinically used.

Prerequisites and Corequisites

Required and corequired courses

Teaching methods and learning activities

  • "Organic drugs" part: lectures based on powerpoint documents available at the beginning of the academic year and accessible on the Université Virtuelle.

  • "Biological medicines" part: mainly through lectures with powerpoint documents available at the beginning of the year and on the Virtual University. Podcasts, quizzes and a flipped classroom will also be used and available via the Université Virtuelle. All instructions will also be given via the Université Virtuelle.

References, bibliography, and recommended reading

  • "Organic drugs" part:

* Pharmaceutical chemistry, Graham L. Patrick; De Boeck; 2003 ISBN: 2744501549

* The practice of medicinal chemistry de C. G. Wermuth; Academic Press ; 2003; ISBN: 0127444815

* Organic chemistry, Jonathan Clayden, Nick Greeves, Stuart Warren, Ed. De Boeck; ISBN: 9782804174415

  • Partie « médicaments biologiques » :

  • « Biological drugs » part :

* Analytical characterization of biotherapeutics – Wiley ; 2017 ISBN: 978-1-119-05310-1

* Directive 2001/83/EC, https://ec.europa.eu/health/documents/eudralex/vol-1_fr

Contribution to the teaching profile


Use your knowledge in a professional context, for problem solving and in any exchange between professionals or with the public


To conduct an analysis in the pharmaceutical field on raw material or excipients and finished products

To be able to generate accurate, precise and adequate results that are understandable to the professional, which are in accordance with international recommendations, based on clear data and accompanied by appropriate statistical analysis

To criticize and interpret the results obtained and recommend if necessary a new pharmaceutical analysis on the basis of previously collected and archived data, based on the scientific literature and by comparing the sources, based on an appropriate statistical analysis


To collaborate with the team members, to communicate the results of the research with the professionals and to adapt its language to its interlocutor (colleague, subcontractor, applicant ...)


To be ethical, honest, dignified, honorable, discreet, comply with safety recommendations in the workplace and comply with legal requirements when using any toxic, corrosive, potentially hazardous and 'environment.


To self-assess changes in professional capacities, to informing oneself of new scientific advances by using appropriate research tools (in any field related to professional practice, when new advances in terms of analysis, in case of the publication of new recommendations for good laboratory practice, during in-service training (congresses, symposiums, conferences, seminars)).

To adapt one's attitude to any change in the professional context or to the implementation of new recommendations or analytical techniques, whenever changes in the organizational structure within the workplace occur, any unexpected or foreseeable change during the results production or the establishment of a new method

Other information


  • « Organic drugs » part : FRANCOIS DUFRASNE Faculté de Pharmacie, Université Libre de Bruxelles Campus Plaine CP 205/5, 1050 Bruxelles, Belgique, Tel. 003226505235, dufrasne@ulb.ac.be

  • « Biological drugs » part : CEDRIC DELPORTE Faculté de Pharmacie, Université Libre de Bruxelles Campus Plaine CP 205/5, 1050 Bruxelles, Belgique, Tel. 003226505277, Cedric.Delporte@ulb.ac.be


Method(s) of evaluation

  • Other


  • “Organic drugs” part : a written examination in May / June on the notions taught in progress (theoretical material and presentation of monographs on organic drugs seen in TRAN-J311).

  • “Biological drugs” part : a written examination in May / June on the concepts taught in the classroom (theoretical material and presentation of monographs on organic drugs seen in TRAN-J311).

The evaluation will be in two parts. Duration of the examination will be adapted following the part(s) that the student must take:

  • 3.5 hours for both parts.

  • 2.5 hours for the "organic drugs" part.

  • 1 hour for the "biological drugs" part.

The examination will be in two steps. First, there is the biological drugs part that lasts 1 hour and then the organic drugs part that lasts 2.5 hours. Student may attend only the part that it has to if one of both parts has already been successfully passed previously.

In the second session, or the following academic year, students will only have to pass take the part(s) ("organic drugs" and / or "biological drugs") for which they have obtained a mark <10/20).

Mark calculation method (including weighting of intermediary marks)

  • "Organic drugs" part: the written examination consists of 20 questions. Each question is scored separately and an overall mark is calculated / 20. Attention: Depending on the severity of certain errors, additional points can be removed (notions considered as essential, on which the teacher insisted during the course, or relating to elementary notions) The threshold of success is fixed at 10/20 for the final mark.

  • Part "biological medicinal products": the written examination comprises 5-10 questions. Each question is scored separately and an overall score is calculated / 20. Attention: Depending on the severity of certain errors, additional points can be removed (notions considered as essential, on which the teacher insisted during the course, or relating to elementary notions.) The threshold of success is fixed at 10/20 for the final mark.

The final mark for the entire course is constructed as follows:

* The average is calculated from the scores obtained in each part using the following weighting: "organic drugs" = 75% and biological drugs = 25%. For example, if the scores of 18/20 and 10/20 are respectively obtained, the average mark will be 16/20.

* Any score below 10/20 in one of the parts automatically results in the lowest score being given as the final mark for the PHAR - J305 course WITHOUT working out the average. For example, if marks of 18/20 and 9/20 are obtained, the final mark will be 9/20. Only the part (s) with the mark (s) <10/20 must be resit.

Language(s) of evaluation

  • french
