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Spectrophysique et Astrophysique
Course teacher(s)
Sophie VAN ECK (Coordinator) and Pierre-François COHEURECTS credits
Language(s) of instruction
Course content
Matter-light interaction at the microscopic level
Atomic spectroscopy
Molecular spectroscopy
Properties of blackbody radiation
Black bodies and photometry
Introduction to stellar astrophysics
Stellar spectra and spectral classification
Our Galaxy
Phases of the interstellar medium: gaseous nebulae and HII regions
Extra-galactic astronomy
Objectives (and/or specific learning outcomes)
Part I: Spectrophysics: this course aims to provide the quantum mechanical and spectroscopic tools needed to understand atomic and molecular processes of astrophysical interest. It links the microscopic properties of atoms and molecules as they interact with radiation, to the general expression of radiative transfer.
Part II: Astrophysics: this course aims to provide basic knowledge of stellar physics (structure, stellar evolution, nucleosynthesis and observational knowledge), so as to understand the astrophysical context in which the objects studied are situated from a spectroscopic point of view.
Prerequisites and Corequisites
Required and corequired courses
Teaching methods and learning activities
Ex cathedra teaching and tutorials
Overheads, syllabus (astrophysics section), exercises and answers are available on the Virtual University.
References, bibliography, and recommended reading
- Spectrophysics: Principles and Applications; A. Thorne, U. Litzén, S. Johansson
- Astronomical Spectroscopy: an introduction to the Atomic and Molecular Physics of Astronomical Spectra, J. Tennyson, Imperial College Press
- Astrophysics, Decoding the Cosmos, Judith A. Irwin, John Wiles & Sons, Ltd
- Astrophysics for Physicists, Arnab Rai Choudhuri
- Astrophysique. Etoiles, Univers et relativité, Jean Heyvaerts, Dunod
- The Physics and Chemistry of the Interstellar Medium, Alexander Tielens, Cambridge University Press
- Astrophysics, Decoding the Cosmos, Judith A. Irwin, John Wiles & Sons, Ltd
Course notes
- Université virtuelle
Contribution to the teaching profile
The teaching unit contributes to the development of the teaching profile competencies of the Bachelor of Physics, in particular through the following aspects:
Contribution to basic training in physics
Linking spectroscopy, atomic physics and astrophysics
Other information
Sophie Van Eck: +32 2 650 28 63; svaneck@ulb.ac.be; Bureau N4.206 (batiment NO, Plaine)
Pierre Coheur: +32 2 650 25 78; pierre.coheur@ulb.be; Bureau DB7.133 (batiment D, 7ème niveau, Solbosch)
Solbosch, Plaine
Method(s) of evaluation
- Oral examination
Oral examination
- Examination with preparation
- Open question with long development
An oral exam is organized: the student receives a series of questions covering both parts of the course, which he/she prepares before the oral exam. During the exam, students are asked to answer these questions, as well as to test their knowledge of the various subjects covered in the course and exercises. Students are also asked to solve exercises.
Preparation is open-book, but only the notes from the preparation are available for consultation during the examination in front of the teachers.
Mark calculation method (including weighting of intermediary marks)
The grade is based on the “Spectrophysics” and “Astrophysics” parts, and is shared equally between these two parts, provided the student achieves at least 7/20 in each of the two parts. If the student obtains a mark of less than 7/20 in one of the two parts, this mark will be his/her final mark.
Language(s) of evaluation
- french
- english