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Particle detection, data acquisition and analysis

academic year

Course teacher(s)

Gilles DE LENTDECKER (Coordinator), Ioana Codrina MARIS and Pascal VANLAER

ECTS credits


Language(s) of instruction


Course content

Collider experiments : physics goals, general layout, tracking detectors (including silicon and gaseous detectors, track reconstruction and momentum resolution), calorimeters (including cristal calorimeters, energy reconstruction and resolution), signal processing, physics objects reconstruction and particle identification.

Objectives (and/or specific learning outcomes)

Be able to understand and evaluate the published results of present large experiments.

Teaching methods and learning activities

The content is transmitted via notes, slides and video lectures presented on the virtual university and through the discussions of the assignments (travaux personnels) presentations, as well as through one week of laboratory courses. The assignments consist in problems to solve.

References, bibliography, and recommended reading

G. Knoll, "Radiation Detection and Measurement", 3ème édition (2000)

Review of Particle Physics, Physics Letters B vol 592, 15 Juillet 2004 (ainsi que le booklet) Particle Data Group Review Articles: http://pdg.web.cern.ch/pdg/

D. Green, "The Physics of Particle Detectors"

G.Cowan, “Statistical data analysis”, Oxford Science Publications, 2002

FRUHWIRTH R. et al., "Data Analysis Techniques for High-Energy Physics. 2nd edition", Cambridge Monographs on Particle Physics, Nuclear Physics and Cosmology 11, 2000

Other information


Catherine.Vander.Velde@ulb.ac.be Tel 02 629 3208 http://uv.ulb.ac.be


Method(s) of evaluation

  • Other


Average of marks obtained for the personal works and an oral examination.
