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Physics beyond the standard model
Course teacher(s)
Thomas HAMBYE (Coordinator) and Michel TYTGATECTS credits
Language(s) of instruction
Course content
This course is shared between ULB (Pr Michel Tytgat) and VUB (Pr Steven Lowette) and therefore will be given in English.
The topics to be covered include:
Effective vs renormalizable quantum field theorie
A recap of the Standard Model
Chiral and scale anomalies
Grand Unification Theories
Neutrino masses and mixing
Strong CP problem
Contemporary anomalies: lepton universality, g-2 of the muon, flavor physics, dark matter problem,...
Experimental aspects of searches for BSM physcics, including supersymmetric particles
Objectives (and/or specific learning outcomes)
To grasp the meaning of effective field theories and renormalizability; to clarify the underlying structure of the Standard Model; to appreciate its shortcomings and understand why the community is looking for physics beyond the Standard Model; to develop skills in QFT, the use of symmetries in physics and experimental analysis.
Prerequisites and Corequisites
Required and Corequired knowledge and skills
It is very strongly recommended to have taken the following courses (or equivalent):
PHYS F 410 : théorie quantique des champs I
PHYS F 422 : Modèle Standard des interactions fondamentales
Some topics will be easier to grasp if you have taken or are taking in parallel the followings (or equivalents)
PHYS F 440 : théorie quantique des champs II
PHYS F 415 : Cosmologie
PHYS F 485 : Representation of groups and applications to physics
For experimental aspects, the relevant courses are (or equivalents)
PHYS F 416 : Physique des particules
Cours co-requis
PHYS-F410 | Quantum field theory I - For all programmes |
5 credits - Petr TINIAKOV (Coordinator) |
Teaching methods and learning activities
2 hours of lectures (black board and/or slides); 2 hours of exercices (in practice, 90' + 90').
There will be no specific homework beyond the exercises.
References, bibliography, and recommended reading
An Introduction To Quantum Field Theory by Michael E. Peskin and Daniel V. Schroeder for basics of QFT
Quantum Field Theory and the Standard Model by Matthew D. Schwartz for some specific aspects of QFT
Gauge Theory of Elementary Particle Physics by Ta-Pei Cheng and Ling-Fong Li for more BSM aspects
Quantum Field Theory in a Nutshell by A. Zee for a more broad brush theoretical perspective.
Supplementary material will be provided if necessary
Other information
Additional information
Beware : due to distinct university agendas, the course will start on Wednesday September 25th at 2 pm (2024-2025). The first lessons will be given by Michel Tytgat (2024-2025). For location, see the ULB UV (Université Virtuelle).
The first lessons will be at P.2N06.10. This is in building NO (ULB, Camplus Plaine), level 6, on the left when you exit the lifts.
Michel Tytgat
Ext. 5570
Local 2 N7 208 (Campus Plaine, Building NO)
Method(s) of evaluation
- Other
Oral exam on the lectures and exercises
Personal project: in depth study of one aspect going beyond the material presented during the lectures: oral presentation at the exam
Mark calculation method (including weighting of intermediary marks)
Oral exam on the lectures and exercises (50%)
Personal project (50%): in depth study of one aspect going beyond the material presented during the lectures: abstract submitted before the exam and oral presentation at the exam
Language(s) of evaluation
- english
- (if applicable french )
Programmes proposing this course at the faculty of Sciences |
MA-PHYS | Master in Physics - finalité Research/bloc 2, finalité Teaching/bloc 2 |
5 credits [lecture: 36h, tutorial classes: 12h, seminars: 12h] - first term |