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Molecular motors and stochastic processes

academic year

Course teacher(s)

Pierre GASPARD (Coordinator)

ECTS credits


Language(s) of instruction


Course content

Theory of stochastic processes; thermodynamics of small systems; non-equilibrium fluctuation relations; mechano-chemical coupling; the FoF1-ATPase rotary motor; the myosin-actin, kinesin-microtubule, and dynein-microtubule linear motors; transmission processes of genetic information.

Objectives (and/or specific learning outcomes)

The goal of the course is to give an overview of current knowledge on molecular motors and the tools for their modelization.

Teaching methods and learning activities

Lectures and exercices

Other information


Pierre Gaspard

E-mail: Gaspard.Pierre@ulb.be




Method(s) of evaluation

  • Oral examination

Oral examination

Mark calculation method (including weighting of intermediary marks)

Oral examination 100%.

Language(s) of evaluation

  • english
  • (if applicable french )


Programmes proposing this course at the faculty of Sciences

MA-BINFMaster in Bio-informatics and Modelling - finalité Research/bloc 2
5 credits [lecture: 36h, tutorial classes: 24h] - first term
MA-IRBCMaster in Chemistry and Bio-industries Bioengineering - finalité Professional/bloc 2
5 credits [lecture: 36h, tutorial classes: 24h] - first term
MA-PHYSMaster in Physics - finalité Research/bloc 2, finalité Teaching/bloc 2
5 credits [lecture: 36h, tutorial classes: 24h] - first term

Programmes proposing this course at the Brussels School of Engineering

MA-IRBCMaster in Chemistry and Bio-industries Bioengineering - finalité Professional/bloc 2
5 credits [lecture: 36h, tutorial classes: 24h] - first term
MS-NATESpecialized Master in Nanotechnology
5 credits [lecture: 36h, tutorial classes: 24h] - first term