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Projet polydaire: expériences didactiques innovantes pour le secondaire

academic year

Course teacher(s)

Simon-Pierre GORZA (Coordinator)

ECTS credits


Language(s) of instruction


Course content

Project carried out by groups of 3 students.
The objective is to design and implement an experimental and didactic device in order to support the teaching of a scientific subject in secondary school.
The theme of the project is proposed by a secondary school teacher and the project is carried out in collaboration with him/her. At the end of the project, the students carry out a scientific animation in the teacher's class in order to test their device and the pedagogical scenario that accompanies it.

Objectives (and/or specific learning outcomes)

To develop the student's ability to manage, within a small team, a project integrating technical, scientific and pedagogical content, as well as its ability to communicate and to work independently.

Teaching methods and learning activities


Course notes

  • Université virtuelle

Contribution to the teaching profile

- Express the needs and expectations of a "customer" into the language of the engineer- Manage the development of a project, from the analysis of the needs of the "customer" to the finished product, by integrating all the constraints- Collaborate as part of a team (multidisciplinary)- Be creative in the development of the technical solution- Develop a methodolgy for the design of the technical solution- Communicate effectively orally by adapting the speech to the objectives and audience (project defense, teaching in a high school classroom)- Develop appropriate and effective written communication in the form of a report, technical documents, user manual and educational booklet

Other information


Gorza Simon-Pierre (sgorza@ulb.ac.be)




Method(s) of evaluation

  • Oral presentation
  • Written report

Oral presentation

Written report

Evaluation on the basis of the documents and the final product (see specific evaluation grids in the project guide), and an oral defence at the end of the project in front of a jury.

Language(s) of evaluation

  • english
