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Psychologie du travail et des organisations II
Course teacher(s)
Cécile VAN DE LEEMPUT (Coordinator)ECTS credits
Language(s) of instruction
Course content
Relationship towards work, employment, and organization - self-efficacy - Motivation at work - Commitment at work - Organizational involvement - Job satisfaction
Organizational behaviors - Organizational socialization - Organizational citizenship behaviors - Deviant behaviors
Use of technology - Telework
Psychosocial risks - Health, quality of life - Work-related addictions - Work-related stress - Burnout - Work-related harassment - Work-related well-being
Relationship between work and non-work life - Perception of the organization and the work environment - Psychological contract - Organizational justice - Organizational support and social supports - Quality of work relations (LMX)
Analysis of work and working conditions, ergonomic approach
Economic psychology and consumer studies
Objectives (and/or specific learning outcomes)
Identify, analyze and synthesize the scientific approaches, concepts and methods
Identify the concepts, their determinants and their effects
Understand the methods, tools and practices in context
Analyze and justify the links between concepts, situations, methods...
Express oneself in a structured, precise and nuanced way
Prerequisites and Corequisites
Cours co-requis
Teaching methods and learning activities
The course will be organized in the form of a lecture aimed at exposing the major issues and concepts of work psychology. Exercises and case studies will be proposed as part of the course to illustrate the concepts, to carry out application exercises and to engage in critical reflection on certain problems.
References, bibliography, and recommended reading
Reference book : Vayre, E. (2019). 20 grandes notions de Psychologie du travail et des organisations, Ed. Dunod
Additional documents (articles, video, ...) can be made available on the UV
Course notes
- Podcast
Contribution to the teaching profile
Understanding scientific texts; oral and written communication
- Identify the key themes underpinning a specific scientific issue
- Synthesize the main ideas around an issue, and communicate clear, precise and well-argued information, both orally and in writing
- Understand a scientific text or presentation in English
Working in a group and managing a project together
- Use different methods to work collaboratively (allocating tasks, organising the group, etc.)
- Use different tools to collaborate, including digital platforms
- Communicate proactively with different types of people (e.g. fellow students, teachers, ...).
Adopt an ethical and deontological posture
- Develop an awareness of the ethical implications of research and interventions, taking into account the legislative framework and the codes of ethics governing each different discipline.
- Be aware of the role of subjectivity when describing and analysing phenomena or data.
Learn about the process of scientific research
- Identify the various epistemological paradigms and theoretical frameworks used in research
- Identify and select relevant sources in relation to a research question
- Formulate a research hypothesis based on logical arguments
- Select and apply appropriate research methods, according to the type of data collected
- Apply appropriate data analysis methods to test research hypotheses
- Present results and a well-argued conclusion, in line with the research method used
Identify and relate to issues in the psychological sciences, education and speech therapy
- Situate specific issues within the sub-disciplines of psychology
- Analyse societal issues in the light of theoretical knowledge
- Identify approaches, methods, analysis and intervention tools for a psychological, pedagogical and/or logopaedic evaluation
- Distinguish the different forms of analysis that can be adopted in order to understand a particular psychological phenomenon (e.g. biological, developmental, psychosocial, inter-individual...)
Other information
Method(s) of evaluation
- written examination
written examination
The evaluation will be done by written exam.
Detailed information will be provided during the semester, especially during the first class session.
Mark calculation method (including weighting of intermediary marks)
The final score will be calculated on the basis of the written exam
Language(s) of evaluation
- french