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Troubles développementaux du langage oral et de la parole
Course teacher(s)
Pauline van der Straten Waillet (Coordinator) and Cécile COLINECTS credits
Language(s) of instruction
Course content
Neurological sphere
DLD (developmental disorders of OL)
Central hearing disorders
Major syndromes and acquired aphasia
Articulatory disorders
Definition and prevalence
General classification
Progressive dyslalias
Verbal dyspraxias - dysathria (+ anarthria - apraxia)
ENT sphere
Orofacial dysfunctions
Cleft lip and palate
Peripheral hearing impairment
Cross-cutting conclusion
Objectives (and/or specific learning outcomes)
Analyze a clinical situation relating to a pathology of oral language or speech in all its complexity, by precisely and rigorously implementing the concepts provided by the relevant theories and approaches in order to make a diagnosis.
Prerequisites and Corequisites
Required and corequired courses
Teaching methods and learning activities
Ex cathaedra course + TPs with observation internship
Attending TPs is mandatory
References, bibliography, and recommended reading
See UV
Course notes
- Université virtuelle
Contribution to the teaching profile
Identify the issues structuring a scientific debate
Synthesize and communicate clear, precise and reasoned information orally and in writing according to the objectives
Take into account their subjectivity in understanding the phenomena addressed in the disciplines taught
Analyze societal issues in the light of theoretical knowledge
Identify approaches, methods, analysis and intervention tools for psychological, educational and / or speech therapy
Distinguish between the different levels of analysis (eg: biological, developmental, psychosocial, interindividual, ...) allowing to apprehend a psychological fact
Other information
Cécile Colin (theory)
Caroline Déom (TPs)
Dominique Van Herstraeten (TPs)
Method(s) of evaluation
- written examination
- Written report
written examination
- Open question with developed answer
- Closed question with Multiple Answers (MAQ)
Written report
Written exam + written work for practicals
Mark calculation method (including weighting of intermediary marks)
Assessment: a score / 20 combining the theoretical exam and the practical assessment (3/4 - 1/4).
If all> or = to 10 for total success
If a score = 8 or 9 we take the average
If course and / or TP <8, the reported grade will be the lowest grade (but the successful part should not be retaken; this mark is kept from one session to the other but not between two academic years)
The TP grade can be reported from one year to another if it is equal or superior to 10
Attention ! Attending TP is mandatory. In case of unjustified absence, the student will lose 2 points to the TP grade for each absence.
2 points will also be subtracted in case of no respect regarding the instrcutions for the contacts with the "maîtres de mini-stage".
Be careful ! Practical courses are mandatory. In case of absence not justified by a document (medical certificate), 2 points will be subtracted by absence from the TPs note.
Language(s) of evaluation
- french