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Questions actuelles en psychologie du travail

academic year

Course teacher(s)

Cécile VAN DE LEEMPUT (Coordinator)

ECTS credits


Language(s) of instruction


Course content

This UE includes two main axes.

The 1st axis will be assured by a guest professor who will present a current trend in work psychology research, based on his or her personal research.

The information (time and organization) will be communicated on the UV and MonULB.

The 2nd axis of the UE will be ensured by Professor Cécile van de Leemput (ULB). The sessions will focus on the analysis of work situations, especially in the context of their technological and organizational evolution, in the light of current professional realities, in particular the points of view of technology, organization and management and HR will be addressed. The sessions will be mainly organized as conferences.

The information (time and organization) will be communicated on the UV and MonULB.

Objectives (and/or specific learning outcomes)

This course aims to develop and reinforce the ability to formulate a theoretical framework for the analysis of work situations, particularly in the context of their technological and organizational evolution, considering current professional realities.

Students will develop their ability to understand some specific situations, through lectures, case studies, articles and their personal experiences acquired during internships.

Students will be able to analyse in an integrated way (HRM, management, well-being at work, change management, ergonomics, work organization...) concepts, organizational structures and thus work situations...

Prerequisites and Corequisites

Required and Corequired knowledge and skills

Master concepts of work, personnel and organizational psychology

Teaching methods and learning activities

This teaching unit is organized as a seminar.

Mandatory attendance at the sessions (axes 1 and 2) : see more information in the construction of the final score

References, bibliography, and recommended reading

Information will be available on UV at the beginning of the class sessions.

Course notes

  • Université virtuelle

Contribution to the teaching profile

Collect, analyze and synthesize the information required for the psychological evaluation of situations

- Define and implement a psychological intervention

- Use science-based tools to respond to professional situations

- Communicate and exchange information in a clear and appropriate manner

- Identify and take into account aspects of personal involvement and subjectivity in professional situations

- Maintain ethical reflection and act ethically in professional situations

Other information


Cécile van de Leemput


Organisational support : psytc@ulb.be




Method(s) of evaluation

  • Oral examination

Oral examination

Oral exam (June and August sessions) on the 2nd axis.

Modality: Six themes will be determined according to the conferences. For each theme, the student will have to prepare a structured theoretical and practical analysis based on the reference articles, the lectures and possibly the experiences from the internships, additional readings...

The aim is to carry out a personal work of thought, argumentation and putting into perspective the key dimensions in relation to each theme. This work of analysis, argumentation and perspective will be synthesized in the form of a cognitive map or mindmapping for each theme. During the oral exam, the choice of the theme will be made by random choice.

Mark calculation method (including weighting of intermediary marks)

The final score will be based on the evaluation in the form of an oral exam, taking into account any penalties for absence.

In case of absence (except in cases of force majeure) during the sessions of axes 1 and 2, the penalties may range from the completion of additional work to a penalty of - 5 points in the final grade of the UE

More detailed information will be given at the beginning of the second term.

Language(s) of evaluation

  • french
