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Biostatistics in public health : part II

academic year

Course teacher(s)

Bram VANHOUTTE (Coordinator) and Katia CASTETBON

ECTS credits


Language(s) of instruction


Course content

AA.1 - Sampling Methods Basic concepts and methods of sampling methods: Simple Random Sampling, Stratified Sampling, Systematic Sampling, Cluster Sampling, Multistage Sampling, analysis of complex surveu data.

AA.2 - Multivariate Statistics Basic concepts and methods of statistics with illustrations from health sciences: multivariate general linear models and multivariate logistic models.

Objectives (and/or specific learning outcomes)

To provide an understanding of concepts in multivariate statistics and statistical sampling methods. Emphasizes applications in health sciences. The course fosters ability of students to select relevant analysis techniques, synthesize knowledge, and apply insights to address public health problems.

Teaching methods and learning activities

AA.1 – Biostatistics – Sampling Methods – The course consists of state of the art lectures, interactive case presentations, group discussions and practical exercises.

AA.2 - Biostatistics – Multivariate Statistics – The course consists of state of the art lectures, interactive case presentations, group discussions and practical exercises.

References, bibliography, and recommended reading

See recommendations given during the lessons.

Contribution to the teaching profile

Contribution to SKILL 1. Applying a corpus of pluridisciplinary methodological knowledge to the analysis of various public health issues , specifically «Analyse data gathered using appropriate methods» and «Evaluate the quality and limits of the methods used to gather, save, analyse, and share research data»

Other information


Fati Kirakoya (fait.kirakoya@ulb.ac.be)




Method(s) of evaluation

  • Other


AA.1 – Biostatistics – Sampling Methods – Sitting exam.
AA.2 - Biostatistics – Multivariate Statistics – Sitting exam

Mark calculation method (including weighting of intermediary marks)

AA.1 - Biostatistics – Sampling Methods : 100% sitting exam (weight: 1/3)
AA.2 - Biostatistics – Multivariate Statistics : 100% sitting exam (weight: 2/3)

The Unit is validated when the weighted average of all learning activities is >= 10/20. 
​​​​​​​When the Unit is not validated at the 1st session, the 2d session will include an examination regarding only the failed activity part(s) at the first session (<10/20). Marks equal or higher than 10/20 at the first session will automatically be reported at the 2d session.

Language(s) of evaluation

  • english
