Course teacher(s)
Pierre LANNOY (Coordinator)ECTS credits
Language(s) of instruction
Course content
Mobilities : sociological terra incognita ? Sociology and mobility : evolutions and perspectives. The technologization of mobility : the car as consumption device. Transport sociology : the modal choice as sociological problem. Mobility, temporality and modernity.
Objectives (and/or specific learning outcomes)
To introduce to the sociological problems raised by the study of contemporary mobilities. (De-)coupling sociology and politics of mobilities. Overview of the main empirical and theoretical approaches of daily mobilities.
Teaching methods and learning activities
Seminar + readings
References, bibliography, and recommended reading
Cahiers internationaux de sociologie, Mobilité et modernité, 118, 2005/1. Lannoy, P., Ramadier, T., dir., La mobilité généralisée, Académia-Bruylant, 2007. Theory, Culture & Society, 2004, 21/4-5, Special Issue on ‘Automobilities'. URRY, J., Sociologie des mobilités, Colin, 2005
Other information
Method(s) of evaluation
- Other
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