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Exercice de la Profession : Droit de l'urbanisme et Economie de l’architecture

academic year

Course teacher(s)

Pauline Lefebvre (Coordinator) and Bety WAKNINE

ECTS credits


Language(s) of instruction


Course content

Droit de l'urbanisme 
The course of urban planning law is articulated on two parts.
The first is devoted to the fundamentals of real estate law : real rights, theory of contracts and obligations, special contracts.
The second is devoted to the fundamentals of urban planning law ; plan and urban rules.    

Economie de l'architecture
The course looks at architectural practice from the perspective of the resources (financial, material, energetic, human…) that it mobilizes, moves, consumes. The course considers architectural practice as a prescriptive practice that engage a long series of actions leading to a construction. The lectures will address and question: the professional role of the architect as a designer, prescriber and inspector of the construction; the tools that guide the transition between design and construction via quantitative and qualitative descriptions (plans, models, quantity survey, specifications, standards); architects' responsibilities regarding the financial, material and human fluxes that their projects set in motion via these very concrete devices.

Objectives (and/or specific learning outcomes)

Droit de l'urbanisme 
To enable students to understand the subject matter and legal vocabulary and to have a reading grid allowing them to apprehend concrete situations.  

Economie de l'architecture
The course aims at raising the students' awareness of the various costs of architecture, both in financial terms (how much money does it cost) and more broadly in environmental terms (what does it cost). At the end of this course, students should be able to understand and seize the very concrete devices through which their design choices engage various types of resources towards construction.

Teaching methods and learning activities

Droit de l'urbanisme 
Ex cathedra class with illustrative support.

Economie de l'architecture
General lectures in the auditorium and sessions around the assignment.

References, bibliography, and recommended reading

Droit de l'urbanisme
Cf. Syllabus

Economie de l'architecture
A reading and resources portfolio will be posted on UV before the beginning of the class.

Course notes

  • Syllabus
  • Université virtuelle

Other information


Droit de l'urbanisme

Economie de l'architecture




Method(s) of evaluation

  • written examination
  • Group work

written examination

Group work

Droit de l'urbanisme
Each quiz consist of 4 questions. Questions are "open" questions. Example:

Monsieur BORVAL a acquis un appartement dans un immeuble situé à Watermael-Boitsfort. Cet immeuble présente des problèmes d’insonorisation. Monsieur BORVAL doit ainsi subir les bruits en provenance de l’appartement voisin à toute heure du jour et de la nuit. Il se dit victime d’un trouble de voisinage. Il envisage de procéder à des travaux d’insonorisation de son appartement. Il prévoit de construire un mur en gyproc avec un matériel isolant contre le mur jointif avec l’appartement voisin. 

Question : Monsieur BORVAL peut-il procéder à des travaux d’insonorisation de son appartement sans l’accord de la copropriété ?


Justification :

Question : Monsieur B doit-il obtenir un permis d’urbanisme pour pouvoir édifier ce mur ?


Justification :

Economie de l'architecture
The method of evaluation will be communicated on UV before the course starts.

Mark calculation method (including weighting of intermediary marks)

Droit de l'urbanisme
Each quiz will consist of 4 questions. Each question is graded on 2.5 points.
To pass the law course, an average of 10/20 on both quizzes is required.

Economie de l'architecture
The way the mark will be determined will be communicated on UV before the course starts.

Final UE Mark
The final UE mark will be the weighted arithmetic mean of the partial ratings, with an absorbing score of 07/20. This means that an AA mark below 07/20 neutralizes the calculation of the weighted arithmetic mean, and results in the lowest AA mark becoming the UE mark.

Language(s) of evaluation

  • french
