ULB researchers are involved in multiple research projects that gather teams from all over the country.

Research in Belgium receives funding from multiple levels of government. At the federal level, two main programmes bring together teams from the north and south of the country: BRAIN-be (Belgian Research Action through Interdisciplinary Networks) and EOS (Excellence of Science).

The Excellence of Science (EOS)  is a four years program, funded by the F.R.S.-FNRS for the Fédération Walllonie-Bruxelles and by the FWO for the Flemish Community.

The EOS programme promotes joint research between researchers in the Flemish and French-speaking community by funding joint fundamental research projects in any scientific discipline.

For the 2021 call, ULB's research teams are leaders for 5 projects and partners for 13 more.

Discover all EOS projects involving teams from ULB


Funded by the Belgian federal government to the tune of €18 million a year, BRAIN-be is a research framework programme aimed at aligning research potential with societal needs and at supporting the scientific potential of federal research institutions.

This multi-year programme has 6 research focuses: ecosystems and biodiversity; geosystems and climate; cultural, historic and scientific heritage; federal public strategies; major societal challenges; and collections management.

BRAIN-be supports 2- or 4-year network projects, and pioneering projects lasting a maximum of 2 years.

Discover all BRAIN-Be projects involving teams from ULB.

Updated on February 15, 2022