ULB actively promotes the economic, social, and cultural development of the Brussels-Capital Region.

The University is a major player as a source of technological innovation, including through various regional programmes involving external partners (private businesses, non-profits, etc.).

Using funds from INNOVIRIS (the Brussels Institute for Research and Innovation) and the 2021-2027 ERDF, ULB takes an active part in research projects that impact the city of Brussels.

ULB takes part in the following research programmes:

  • Prospective Research - research as a response to Brussels-specific issues;
  • Brains for Brussels - attracting international researchers;
  • Research Platforms - research on strategic areas of activity: ICT, health, environment;
  • Co-Création - The action supports projects proposing the exploration of new paths for societal transitions in the Brussels-Capital Region;
  • Applied PhD - PhD theses with industrial partners;
  • Proof of Concept - feasibility studies;
  • Spin-off - creating a spin-off in Brussels;
  • Joint R&D Project - industrial collaboration;
  • 2021-2027 ERDF - European Regional Development Fund;
  • etc.
For more information about these funding programmes, please contact Flore Keymeulen, in charge of funding in Brussels, at ULB-KTO
Updated on May 17, 2024