HERICOL : Héritages coloniaux en Belgique : universités, mobilisations et contre-mobilisations

Since the 1990, new forms of discourse and mobilization have emerged to question Belgium’s colonial past and postcolonial present.

Various social players—journalists, researchers, archivists, community activists, artists, members of the African diaspora, former colonists and their descendants, national and political players, etc.—have contributed to putting the issue of colonial legacy on the public agenda.

In order to better understand the resurgence of this past, project HERICOL focuses on three aspects: the role of Belgian universities, especially ULB, in colonial history and the issue of the university’s ‘decolonization’; public controversies on colonialism, structured by mobilizations and counter-mobilizations; and the social trajectories of former colonists from 1960 to the present and their role in postcolonial controversies.

Photo : gathering Black Lives Matter, Palais de justice de Bruxelles, 7 June 2020 (c) Abdellali Hajjat

Coordination : Abdellali Hajjat, GERME, Faculté de Philosophie et Sciences sociales
Partners : Amandine Lauro, Mondes Modernes et Contemporains / Atelier Genre(s) et Sexualité(s); Sasha Newell, Laboratoire d’Anthropologie des Mondes Contemporains, Faculté de Philosophie et Sciences sociales

Created on September 3, 2020