Jana Jeschke has a degree in molecular medicine from the University of Nuremberg. A qualified researcher and scientific collaborator (FNRS), she is a member of the ULB Cancer Epigenetics Laboratory (LEC), where she studies the clinical epigenetics of RNA.

Jana Jeschke © JULIEN DE WILDE


The objectives of the EpiResist project are to develop a method for mapping m6A at the single-cell level and to apply it to triple-negative breast cancer cells that are resistant to treatment (research to be carried out at the level of cell culture, mice and human samples) in order to identify unexplored targets of drug resistance. In addition, the aim would be to disrupt treatment resistance targets that exist at the level of m6A in order to prevent therapy failure.

This project has received funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant  agreement No GA101118013).
Created on March 30, 2023