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ERC research project SeedsValues - Olivia Angé
SeedsValues is a Starting Grant ERC project (2020) led by Olivia Angé - LAMC, Faculty of Philosophy and Social Sciences
We still lack fundamental knowledge to identify the manifold values of agricultural plants. While the value of crop varieties is usually assessed in economic terms, we need to also consider the ethical values that incentivies farmers to perpetuate biodiverse agriculture.
Led by Olivia Angé - LAMC, Faculty of Philosophy and Social Sciences, the project Seedsvalues will produce interspecies ethnographies into seed-human relatedness - both affective and instrumental - in three agrobiodiversity hotspots: potato cultivation in Peru, maize in Mexico and rice in Laos. Prominent on global markets, also distinguished by international institutions as highly promising to reach global food security on our damaged planet, these crops bear outstanding value to the Indigenous people who cultivate and eat them daily.
The SeedsValues contends that agriculture offers a unique ethnographic object to overcome the current split between the economic and the ethical studies on value, thereby contributing to the elaboration of a general anthropology of value still lacking to date.
under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant
Created on September 3, 2020