The Blended Intensive Programs (BIPs) are a new form of short mobility proposed by the 2021-27 Erasmus+ Programme. BIPs are unique courses from 3 to 6 ECTS mixing a virtual component (online sessions) and a short physical mobility (usually and minimum one week). This is the occasion for all students from BA1 to Doctorate to go abroad, with an Erasmus+ grant, and broaden their horizons with new original academic activities in company of other international students from other universities. BIPs are organized at various moments of the academic year, usually during holidays.

The CIVIS Alliance propose a large choice of BIPS, but some faculties have specific programs too, they are listed on this page.

Participation to a BIP is however depending on the approval from the faculties, whether it is within or oustide of the CIVIS Alliance, and it implied academic recognition. Depending on the cases, BIPs can be integrated to the 60 ECTS "PAE", or very often added as "free extra credits"  on top of the 60 ECTS  and thus not counting for the calculation of the cycle grade. Procedures to apply also depend on the BIP itself.

An Erasmus+ grant is guaranteed to every participant.


Most of the existing BIPs are organized by the CIVIS alliance. You will find the list of accessible BIPs on the CIVIS website during the application period. The next period will be in October 2024.

You can, as ULB student, apply to any BIP as long as you respect the deadline. Please note that if you are selected by the CIVIS BIP organizator (professor), it doesn't automatically mean that ULB approves, you still need the green light from your faculty, because the funding of your mobility is linked to the obligation of academic recognition. You should talk with your academic coordinator in faculty as soon as you intend to apply for a BIP, in order to know if they would approve your initiative. If they agree, you will receive funding and the BIP will be recognized by your faculty (usually as extra free credits). If your faculty refuses, you can still participate, but without funding and without academic recognition by the ULB.

Please check if the dates of physical mobility are not clashing with an important period at ULB, like your exam period. BIPs are sometimes proposed by universities with different academic calendars and may not be suitable for ULB students. You need to check this information and see with your faculty if you will be able to participate or not.


Some faculties propose thematic BIPs specific to a field of study. Selections for these types of BIPs are organized only by the faculties or the professor in charge, and the deadlines are chosen by the professors. Here is a list of the currently proposed BIPs :

Faculty Title ECTS Host University Physical Mobility ULB Contact
Architecture Regenerative Landscapes. Designing the Transition 3 Geislingen University (NGU) September 2024 Didier Van Cutsem
Lettres, Traduction et Communication Creation/Salvation: Writing and Other Creative Practices as Rescue for Modern World ? AM Poznan September 2024 Dorota Walczak
École Polytechnique de Bruxelles Neutralcities 4,5 Universidat Politècnica de València (UPV)  September 2024 Alessandro Parente
Architecture La valorizzazione del patrimonio storico, architettonico e urbano. Strategie e progetti per Palmanova 3 Università degli studi di Udine June 2024 Bertrand Terlinden

Selections are organized by the ULB contact person (last column).

Erasmus+ Funding

The Erasmus+ grant is guaranteed for every participant to a BIP. If needed the students can request 1 extra day (or 2 in case of green travel) before and after the BIP activities, for a total of 4 days in case of green travel. Transport tickets are requested in case of green travel, to justify the extension of the grant. Student with fewer opportunities can receive a complement to they daily grant as well as a transport grant depending on the table below. Students not considered as "students with fewer opportunities" do not receive the transport fee, but they can receive 50€ as a bonus, in case of green travel (on top of the 2 extra grant days).

The usual minimum grant for a one-week BIP is 7days x 79€ (5 activity days + 2 travel days), thus 553 euros + transport lump sum (depending on the Km range).
Students with fewer opportunities receive a minimum of 653 euros + transport lump sum (depending on the Km range).

2024-25 Daily Grant


Daily amount

For the first 14 days of mobility 79€/day
After the 14th day of mobility 56€/day
Complement for students with fewer opportunities* for BIPs from 5 to 14 days Lump sum : 100€
Complement for students with fewer opportunities* for BIPs from 15 to 30 days Lump sum : 150€
*The categories of students eligible for the status of "student with fewer opporunities" is detailed on this page.

Transport lump sum


Km range from Brussels

Standard travel top-up

Green travel top-up
10-99km 28€ 56€
100-499km 211€ 285€
500-1999km 309€ 417€
2000-2999km 395€ 535€
3000-3999km 580€ 785€
4000-7999km 1188€ 1188€
8000km or more 1735€ 1735€

Testimonies (in French)

Updated on July 17, 2024