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The economics of regulation
Titulaire(s) du cours
Mattia Nardotto (Coordonnateur)Crédits ECTS
Langue(s) d'enseignement
Contenu du cours
Depending on how the organization of the classes will influence the way the class will be taught (presential or web based)
6 theory lectures (Imperfect markets, regulation under information symmetry and asymmetry, dealing with institutional weaknesses in the design of regulation, the forms of price and qualtity regulation)
6 lectures on the real world tools of regulation (financial modeling, asset valuation, cost of capital, efficiency measurement, price structures, contract design)
Objectifs (et/ou acquis d'apprentissages spécifiques)
1.You get the basis of the theory and practice of economic regulaiton (most illustrations are for publc servicres)
2. You certainly get the minimum requirements needed to be able to work as a consultant, advisor or staff of a regulatory agency or regulated firm;
3. You'll learn the analytical basis needed to conduct applied reserach in this field.
4. Designed as a tool to help you identify trade-offs in a wide range of publlic policy issues
Méthodes d'enseignement et activités d'apprentissages
lectures anchored in PPT and supporting readings
MOOC with hands-on exercise
Références, bibliographie et lectures recommandées
Provided at the beginning of the course
MOOC used to complement the lectures with more intution (and less math) and provides practice exercises similar to those used at the exam to test your understanding of the concepts, definitions, tools and more advanced theory.
Support(s) de cours
- Syllabus
Contribution au profil d'enseignement
This are the main competencies aimed at :
Analytical skills to take on conceptual or real life situations
Problem solving perspective in a wide range of topics with realistic economic and financial tools
Ability to communicate diagnostics and recommendations on typical policy issues
Autres renseignements
Informations complémentaires
Depending on virus situation, will be taught in class or on web
Méthode(s) d'évaluation
- Autre
Exam + Team Essay
Construction de la note (en ce compris, la pondération des notes partielles)
45% exam
45% essay
10% behavioral/participation
may change depending on how the class will be taught as virus constraints evolve
Langue(s) d'évaluation
- anglais