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Master de spécialisation interdisciplinaire en études européennes
- année académique2025-2026
Cette formation est enseignée en anglais.
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Intitulé du programmeMaster de spécialisation interdisciplinaire en études européennes
mnémonique du programmeMS-EURI
Programme organisé par
- Institut d'Études européennes
Type de diplômeMaster spécialisé
Cycle2e cycle
Type d'horaireEn journée
Langues d'enseignementanglais
Durée théorique de la formation1 an
Catégorie / ThématiqueSciences humaines et sociales - Sciences politiques et sociales
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Informations générales
Type de diplômeMaster spécialisé
Durée théorique de la formation1 an
Langue(s) d'enseignementanglais
Type d'horaireEn journée
Catégorie(s) - Thématique(s)Sciences humaines et sociales - Sciences politiques et sociales
Faculté(s) et université(s) organisatrice(s)Contacts
Objectifs de la formation
Young professionals seeking to acquire specialized knowledge of EU integration can follow this advanced programme in English, designed for students with an academic background in Political Science, Economics, History, Law or other related disciplines (see admission requirements).
This Specialized Master in Interdisciplinary EU Studies allows graduates from diverse backgrounds to enhance their initial set of skills with a high-level expertise of the political, economic, social and legal stakes linked to EU integration.
The open-mindedness and intercultural approach of the program prepares students to evolve in an international environment.
Interdisciplinary in nature, international in its reach, this unique program offers three paths for specialization and a focus on career development and professionalization.
As of 2018, this Master benefits from a memorandum of understanding with the Graduate School of Asia Pacific Studies (GSAPS) at the University of Waseda (Tokyo, Japan), which includes an annual student exchange program as well as an international academic chair in Comparative Regionalism taught by visiting guest lecturers from the partner institution.
After completing this program, graduates will be able to:
understand the challenges of EU, Global and Regional integration
develop expert knowledge on how the EU institutions function and on the EU’s main policies
use in professional situations specialized knowledge in the field of study: ‘Economic Governance and Policies in Europe’, ‘Migrations, rights and policies in Europe’ and ‘EU integration, Regionalism and Global Governance’.
understand major political, economic, social, historical and cultural issues concerning European integration from an interdisciplinary perspective
develop analytical skills and elaborate an oral or written argumentation
develop a clear and well-structured argumentation
write in a clear, structured and adequate language, based on scientific norms
communicate in English in academic and professional situations
Méthodes et équipe pédagogiques
While most of the classes are lectures and seminars, professors develop new teaching methodologies in order to increase the interaction with the students such as case studies, in class debates, etc.
In the elective modules, a limited number of students attends the sessions, which allows and encourages pedagogical innovation and interactions. By taking actively part in the classes and their related activities, students not only enlarge their professional and academic network, they are also confronted with different views and opinions.
Practitioners and professionals with relevant expertise in the field of study teach some of the classes.
Study visits to EU institutions are part of the class offering, an advantage of the IEE-ULB location in Brussels and its longstanding relationship with EU institutions.
Les + de la formation
Academic training in English: professors from the Institute for European Studies, the University of Cambridge, the University of Oxford and the University of Waseda provide a diverse, international faculty for this Master.
Academic reputation: Since 1964, students benefit from the expertise of an international team of renowned researchers and academics and from the label of the Institute for European Studies of the ULB.
Interdisciplinary and timely knowledge: this program offers relevant academic interdisciplinary knowledge in the field of EU studies that takes into account recent evolutions in EU and global governance.
Expertise: Students benefit from the opportunity to acquire specialized and advanced expertise in key policies at the core of the integration process, including ‘Economic Governance and Policies in Europe’, ‘Migrations, rights and policies in Europe’ and ‘EU integration, Regionalism and Global Governance’.
The program brings together academics as well as senior practitioners and students from a variety of European and non-European countries.
Internship is compulsory. The Institute organises a unique course on career development that helps students to develop a professional project and network.
In addition, the IEE-ULB organises a wide range of activities including networking sessions and mentoring opportunities with Alumni.
AlumnIEE network: 7500 graduates from our programs since 1964 constitute our best resource. Those 7500 alumni can testify of the IEE-ULB’s academic quality, its involvement in their career development, the international profile of its world-class academics and researchers and the opportunities its privileged location provides.
Proximity with the centres of decision-making: The Institute is located at less than 10 km from the core of the decision-making power of the EU institutions. Thanks to the experts and professionals involved in the IEE’s outreach activities, the Institute is also connected to a wide range of institutions and organisations in Brussels.
Brussels is the headquarters to the principal European institutions, and the IEE-ULB has developed close contacts with its main stakeholders. This allows us to collaborate closely with European, political decision-makers in our teaching, research and public debate activities, while allowing students to add value to their studies through a potential internship in the very institutions they are studying.
Genuine source of academic expertise for professionals of the sector, the IEE-ULB is at the centre of high-level debate on the future of the EU. The IEE-ULB hosts more than thirty conferences and events every year. Our students thus benefit from the opportunity to participate in open public dialogue with key actors on the European arena.
International / Ouverture vers l'extérieur
Conditions d’accès
This advanced program brings together one core module (25 credits), three elective tracks (20 credits) as well as the professionalization modulemobility at the University of Waseda (15 credits).
The core module (25 credits) includes a set of courses that deal with fundamental topics in EU studies, including: EU law, decision-making at the EU level, history of European integration and European economic governance. These courses provide the students with the necessary academic knowledge to engage in the elective courses and modules. During this core module, students also have the opportunity to follow a course with a guest professor from the University of Oxford or the University of Cambridge.
Depending on their needs and professional ambitions, students can choose among three elective specialization tracks (20 credits each):
Economic Governance and Policies in the EU (module 1),
Migrations, Rights and Policies (module 2)
EU integration, Regionalism and Global Governance (module 3).
Each module follows an interdisciplinary approach, as it addresses key topics in EU studies from the perspectives of political science, law, history and economics. Professors from these disciplines interact in each module, providing a comprehensive and interdisciplinary understanding of the EU in these three main areas.
The uniqueness of this Master program lies in its focus on career development or the mobility at the University of Waseda (15 credits). Students can chose one of the following paths:
Internship and career development: An innovative seminar is organised in the module ‘Final Dissertation (Internship Report), Internship and Career Development’ (15 credits) to offer students the necessary skills to develop a professional project and a career plan. Internship is compulsory. Students have to write a final dissertation (15 credits) based on the professional experience acquired through the internship and the compulsory seminar on career development. To allow students to follow courses and devote sufficient time to their professional plan, internships can only take place from April to September (the minimum duration of the internship is 192 hours).
Mobility: This Master benefits from a memorandum of understanding with the Graduate School of Asia Pacific Studies (GSAPS) which includes an annual student exchange program allowing students to study during the second term at the University of Waseda, Tokyo, Japan (15 credits).
Et après ?
Graduates of this Specialized Master typically develop a career in European, national or local institutions, in the business world, professional associations, interest groups, non-governmental organisations, or in media and communication.
The IEE-ULB devotes particular attention to its students' professionalization (see dedicated page on our website) thanks to various initiatives (mentoring programme, dynamic and wide alumni network, Mentoring lunches, framework internship conventions with renowned companies, support for internship search, compulsory career development seminar).