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European integration and Public Policy
Titulaire(s) du cours
Amandine CRESPYCrédits ECTS
Langue(s) d'enseignement
Contenu du cours
1. Theories of EU Integration in Historical Perspective
2. The Specificity of EU Policy-Making
3. The EU Policy Cycle
4. The EU as a Regulatory State: the Single Market 5. Simulation Games
6. Between Distribution and Regulation: The Common Agricultural Policy
7. Distribution and Multi-Level Governance: Regional & Cohesion Policy
8. Simulation Games
9. Soft Coordination and Higher Education Policy10. Europeanisation and Gender Policy
11. The EU and Health Policy (Guest Lecture by Eleonor Brooks)
12. Simulation Games
Objectifs (et/ou acquis d'apprentissages spécifiques)
- Discover the main policies of the EU: history, features, reforms
- Understand European policy-making procedures: institutions, rules, actors
- Understand the mechanisms and actors of policy change in the EUR
- Follow current European policy issues
Skills developped
- Extensive grasp of EU policies
- Mastering of concepts and theories in EU policy change in the EU
- Understanding of how actors deal with EU policy-making in practice
- Ability to discuss policy issues in English
- Awareness of ongoing European affairs
Méthodes d'enseignement et activités d'apprentissages
Lectures will be interrupted and complemented by:
- Debates about policy issues
- Discussions about readings
- Simulation games performed by student groups and collective feedback
Références, bibliographie et lectures recommandées
There is one mandatory textbook accompanying the course: R. Coman, A. Crespy & V. Schmidt (2020) Governance and Politics in the Post-Crisis European Union, Cambridge University Press (to be purchased at the capus' bookshop or online as e-book). For those unable to purchase de textbook for financial reasons, please contact Amandine Crespy per e-mail (Amandine.Crespy@ulb.be).
Other relevant references:
Saurugger, S. (2013) Theoretical Approaches to European Integration, Palgrave.
Versluis, E., van Keulen, M. & Stephenson, P. (2011) Analyzing the European Union policy process, Palgrave.
Buonanno, L. & Nugent, N. (2013) Policies and policy processes of the European Union, Basingstoke: Palgrave.
Bache, I., Bulmer, S., George, S. & Parker, O. (2011) Politics in the European Union, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Wallace H. & Wallace W. (eds) (2015) Policy-making in the European Union, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Support(s) de cours
- Université virtuelle
Contribution au profil d'enseignement
This course provides students with solid knowledge of key policies of the EU. Focussing on policies, it complements well other courses focussed on institutions or politics.
Autres renseignements
Joel Ficet: joel.ficet@uclouvain.be
Appointment on demand (via e-mail)
Méthode(s) d'évaluation
- Examen écrit
- Autre
Examen écrit
- Objectives
- Research a particular case/policy issue identified by the instructor
- Puts the emphasis on actors and interactions in specific institutional settings
- Group work (4-8 people depending on topic)
- The issue, institutional context and relevant decision-making procedure are briefly explained to the other students (2 minutes max)
- You determine the relevant characters/roles
- Each student endorses and performs a particular role
- The game is performed in class for no longer than 10-15 min
- Prepare a written report to be sent per e-mail on the day before the game
- In 3-4 pages, describe:
- What the specific situation of the situation is: case, dossier, time, institutional framework
- Who the actors involved are
- What are their positions on the issue at stake
- Give the list of your references (5-10) : separate first hand material/documents/sources and academic literature.
- Length: 250 words x nbr of participants
- Written exam (2 hours)
- Essay (4 pages max.): pick one of two questions
Construction de la note (en ce compris, la pondération des notes partielles)
- Simulation game: 30% of final mark
- Exam: 70% of final mark
Langue(s) d'évaluation
- anglais