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Master en sciences politiques (60 crédits) , option JOUR

Master en sciences politiques (60 crédits) , option JOUR

Cette formation est enseignée en anglais.

Le programme 2025-2026 est susceptible d'être modifié. Celui-ci est donné à titre indicatif.

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Call to actions

  • Intitulé du programme
    Master en sciences politiques (60 crédits) , option JOUR
  • mnémonique du programme
  • Programme organisé par
    • Faculté de Philosophie et Sciences sociales
  • Type de diplôme
    Master 60 crédits
  • Cycle
    2e cycle
  • Secteur et domaine d'études
    Sciences humaines et sociales/Sciences politiques et sociales
  • Type d'horaire
    En journée
  • Langues d'enseignement
  • Durée théorique de la formation
    1 an
  • Campus
  • Catégorie / Thématique
    Sciences humaines et sociales - Sciences politiques et sociales



Informations générales

Type de diplôme

Master 60 crédits

Durée théorique de la formation

1 an

Langue(s) d'enseignement


Type d'horaire

En journée



Catégorie(s) - Thématique(s)

Sciences humaines et sociales - Sciences politiques et sociales

Faculté(s) et université(s) organisatrice(s)


The master’s in political science in one year (60 credits) is offered in two versions: The day-time programme is fully taught in English. The evening programme is fully taught in French.
The day-time programme in English offers a complementary training for students who want to deepen their university training.

Completing the programme (60 credits) will help you in acquiring:
  • An analytical approach based on rigorous methods;
  • Advanced knowledge in one specific domain in political science: international relations or EU affairs, politics and government;
  • Writing and public speaking skills in English;
  • An opening to the world

Active teaching methods: seminars, individual or group presentations and papers, combined with ex cathedra courses.
New technologies and e-learning are an integral part of the teaching methods offered to students.

To choose the master’s in political science (60 credits) at ULB is:

  • Choosing for a high-quality additional training and/or professional re-orientation;
  • Studying in an internationally renowned department. For the 7th consecutive year, SciencePo ULB was ranked in the Top 100 worldwide. We ranked 1st in Belgium and Top 5 of French-speaking institutions worldwide in the field of political science and international relations (QS World University Ranking by Subject 2021);
  • Choosing for an international environment: among the faculty and researchers of the Department, there are more than 15 different nationalities, and almost 50% of our students are from outside of Belgium;
  • Studying political science in Brussels, the capital of Europe and second largest city worldwide in terms of international institutions;
  • Opening the doors of potential careers in national, European, international, regional or local institutions, as well as in the political, social, or economic world, associations, media, the private sector (consultancy, public relations), and education or research.
  • Courses are taught in English.

At SciencePo ULB, you can experience internationalization in house. Among the Faculty and researchers, there are more than 15 different nationalities. And about 50% of our students are non-Belgian.
You are going to study political science in Brussels, capital of Europe and 2nd city in the world in terms of international institutions. More than a third of the people living in Brussels are non-Belgian.

Conditions d’accès


The day-time programme fully taught in English offers:

  • The choice between two tracks: international relations, and EU affairs, politics & government.
  • A solid training in methods to support the writing of your Final Dissertation (FD).

Students admitted in the programme who do not hold a bachelor’s in political science (or equivalent) can be given an additional programme. The courses in this additional programme are courses from the bachelor’s in political science. Some might be taught in French. Students are informed of these admission requirements before registration.

Et après ?


The day-time programme is fully taught in English.
With this additional training, graduates of this programme will be able to orient or re-orient their career path to a wide range of jobs in various sectors:

  • Career in the European sector at the heart of Europe: European civil servant, European institutions or organizations;
  • Career in the international sector: diplomacy, international institutions such as the U.N., OECD, WTO, etc.;
  • Career in the social and political sector: political parties, unions, lobbies, ministerial or parliamentary assistant, etc.;
  • Top civil servant in the Belgian public administration;
  • Career in the non-profit sector: NGO, humanitarian, etc.;
  • Analyst o consultant in the private sector;
  • Career in political communication or journalism.

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